Makin' a sissy bar!
Thanks to everyone for all the compliments!!!

And thanks slick for the suggestion, but we are going for more of a modernized old school vibe. So with that, we are going to build a tall sissy bar.
:idea: We got the idea from this thread . . .
Thanks to Graylock and scrumblero we made this awesome sissy bar!
Here is a piece of ½” round steel tubing. We capped the ends with some ol’ bolts we had layin around and packed it full of sand. This pic is after bending it, cold, around a CO2 bottle. Thanks also to greg66 for kickin' down the tubing to us!
This is the pie cut we made. We made the cut open more at the front so the point at the top would bend towards the rear.
Here it is after being bent to close the cut.
Here you can see the bend towards the back . . .
Here it is after being welded, filed, and sanded.
It will be positioned something like this . . .