Trying to find a GOOD springer fork...

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Jul 25, 2009
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I'm wondering if anyone makes a better quality springer style fork than the usual chinese knockoffs I've seen around. My stretch has one of the latter, and now it pulls to the left, and I've never been a fan of the quality.Does anybody make better custom ones?
Check the Felt bikes website as well. I got my Abraham linkage Monark style fork from them. They make a Schwinn style springer also.

Nirve makes great springer forks at a decent price.
Felt makes excellent springer forks at outrageous prices.
Electra made great springer forks, but they've been discontinued for a few years.
There are also many great vintage springer forks from the past including: springmaster, huffman, monark, columbia, etc...
Here's a link to several of them with pictures indcluded:
Just a quick update.,,the springer i took off my last Dyno stretch project turned out to be much better built than the aftermarket ones I've seen. Bushings in the legs, not just drilled holes and the left leg was threaded for the pivot bolt as well. So it went back onto a stretch again and it works great. :D
The schwinn repro springer on my 55 panther has the laft drilled as well. Is this normal for those. I'm not sure when it was made but I would guess late 90's and was NOS when I purchased it. A guy on ebay had tons of them several years ago. I sadly only bought one and by the time I figured out what a good deal they were at $19.99, they were gone.
I had the same problem as you Bigcam59. I ordered new a springer fork for a 26" muscle bike project. I was disapointed with the quality when I got it. I was furthur disapointed when I put it on and couldn't get the front wheel to track straight. It was VERY flimsy. I pulled it all apart and made shims and tightened this and bent that. Basically rebuilt it. It was mediocre at best. I took a close look at the springer on my KK Roadster and what a difference in quality. The springer on the roadster is solid! I've given up on springers unless I can see them in person before buying. I've drawn up plans for some properly made ones but that project is still a ways away yet. I've also been wondering if there is a company selling springers from a different factory that mine came from? Tough market these custom cruiser parts!