The weather isn't cooperating. It won't be warm enough to paint for at least a week to 10 days. The spray cans say above 55f, but I have found the best results are at 70f and above. I'll have time to look for that one thing I haven't found yet.
The Navy got me hooked on coffee. On ships, nearly every work space has a 30 cup percolator, at least they used to. Either you could go to the mess decks and buy a soda from the machine, or learn to drink free Navy coffee. Navy coffee came in a big plain 10 lb tin can. The first few cups from the pot were best, then it went downhill quick. I still brew a pot of coffee at the office but I now use coffee and chicory. Either Cafe Du Monde or French Market brand, both from New Orleans. It doesn't take much to make a good strong pot. The chicory was added to coffee years ago when there was a shortage of coffee, so they stretched it out to make it last longer. The mix caught on, and is easy on the stomach, especially after a night of partying on Bourbon St.
Just waiting on the weather to warm up. I might have to go to the paint booth on base, but they charge by the hour for that. I'll see if I can work a deal.