I love all the responses. Sure shows the passion some have for this hobby. I'm into building for fun and to challenge myself to learn new mechcanical skills. I have never tried to sell anyo f the bikes I build. I started this POST just to see what the thoughts were out there. I watch CL and EBAY just to see whats out there and gets some ideas. But lately I have been seeing some really ridiculous ad's so I had to ask the question.
I realize that different areas demand different prices...sad to say the Phoenix market is pretty bad. I have said it before and I will say it again...for this area being so big, the BIKE situation here really sucks. I would have thought there would be a bike swap meet or something along those lines more often. There isn't a word said about these things. Guess I should shut my mouth and start my own meets right?? ha ha I know.
Check out Phoenix Craigslist sometime. The same guys post the same bikes day after day.

There is one guy in Mesa that builds nice bikes yet he can't sell those things. Kinda sad...they are nice. But then again the reason for the post is " HOW MUCH IS IT WORTH" obviously not what he is asking.