Today i finished up my stand, and refitted my sealed tank which thankfully doesnt have any leaks, but my old petcock is leaking a little from the tap...... i put the bike up on the stand and started it and for some reason this time the primary was slipping so i decided to take it for a ride.
I think its geared too high, i did manage to take off under its own power, i have to slip the clutch to keep the revs up, and if i tried to push the clutch right in the revs would drop off. I could get up to a certain speed (not very fast) but then couldnt get past that as the revs would drop away, and even if i pedalled to assist it didnt seem to help.
But until i get my smaller front pulley tommorow and try and get another belt to suit its hard to make a judgement. Is it geared too high? Is it a problem with the engine? Was the primary belt slipping?
I guess i will wait until i test the new pulley and belt and go from there.