I am really glad I pulled Dark Horse 2 out of the mix, just not wild enough to hang out in this crowd. Wish I had 26 votes, All are way cool in their own way and there is not a single one I didn't like. Voting was tough, I had to go to the old-school point system to decide my votes giving 1-10 points in each of 5 categories:
1. Fit and finish: quality of paint work, how all the parts fit together, craftsmanship, the little devils in the details
2. Originality: Did they do something I have never seen before and how well did they pulled it off
3. Overall flow: How the bike looks together, does anything look odd or out of place, do the parts work together
4. Form and function: Does it look comfortable, practical enough to be a daily ride, stuff to snag yourself on
5. How likely I would be to ride it every day: pretty self explanatory...This was the tie breaker between like 5 bikes