fleetwood if it makes u feel better the third vote came down to a coin flip. your bike is kool for the same reasons i like the undertaker. thinking outside the box which in the end i have always believed what the build off is about. progressing the hobby and pushing us just a little further each year. if i had for votes u would have been next buddy. i really dig skulli-o-sis (i think i misspell it everytime i type it) maybe because i would never build it, maybe because i like more flow who knows but it sticks with me every time i try to get it out of my head something on that bike grabs me back in. broken beaten and scared does the same thing for me again sorry dude lost in the sudden death coin toss i had with myself in the garage earlier. lets face it voting sucks i have done it a lot of times before. this is still real early in the voting and i see a race starting myself