WANTED: Film Photography stuff! Cameras? FILM! 35mm +Others!

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Dec 8, 2007
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Marine City, Michigan
Rating - 100%
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Well, with bikes on the side, i've been dabbling in film photography. I took a photography class, and I was using a digital point and shoot. Most of the stuff I learned was for film cameras...I picked one up from a friend, and I FELL IN LOVE.

I'm using a Nikon N60, which takes 35mm Film. I've got a bit of expired film, and ordered some new stuff online. It's yet to get here.

I'm looking for almost anything...Anyone have some old camera stuff sitting around?

(nikon ANYTHING, but i'd need a camera for something else)

Looking for an older Manual one...a Nikon would be great so I can share with my main camera.

Film (specifically):
35mm: Don't care if it's expired or not. Whatever you've got, I want it. Look in your closets! I'll take it! I'll trade bike parts, i'll take it off your hands, or i'll buy it! I'll pay shipping!

Polaroid (i just picked up an old Land Camera for .50) I know this will be a bit harder to find...but i'll take it.

Other formats, but I dont have a camera for it...if you've got it, I want it.


I'll share some pictures i've taken when I get home. Everything is on discs.
Nevermind. Found some I uploaded a while ago. Of course its all of my car :roll:

Taken on expired Fujifilm 400, developed at CVS(they do a terrible job)


And this was taken on my point and shoot...
I have a Pentax K1000 SE for sale. I think it is in the $100 range. I can look at my kit to see what's there if you're interested. It's in near perfect condition. I just looked for my pics of it but I may have to look deeper or snap some more.

Yes! A wonderful hobby. I took a handful of courses in classic photography too and have a small collection myself consisting of an old 35mm Argus C3 (the brick), Olympus OM1 for my main 35mm camera, and my new honey--Polaroid 104 Land Camera... and you're in luck that you picked one up because.. drum roll... they still make compatible film for it! For a reasonable price!

Do a battery conversion on your land camera here: http://www.dianacamera.com/blog/polaroid-land-camera-battery-conversion-mod.html
and buy this Fuji film http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=fp-100c or the 3000b or 100b film for black and white.
Personally, I'd stick with the land camera for actual use. There is a small company that is reproducing polaroid 600 film but it is very expensive and they haven't gotten the coating right to protect it from light so it's very easy to overexpose after it spits out.

The land cameras are a lot of fun and turn out good for a reasonable price.

Here are a few I took with my OM1 eons ago.



That's great that you have an interest in photography. I aspired to be good at it many years ago and well uh... Anyway I am curious though about people now taking up film photography. Is just the younger generation who have grown up with digital cameras? Is it cool because its old school? Is it the thrill of having to wait and not instantly knowing your results?
I've shot my share of 35MM film years ago and never looked back after getting my first digital. Sold off my 2 35mm slrs and all the lenses, motor drives, flashes, filters etc... a few years back.
I really think it's the thrill, I love waiting for it to get developed, just to see how good or bad they turned out. plus i've always had an interest in taking pictures...I've transferred about 10 gigs of photos from my phone onto my computer before. I like capturing memories...and whatnot.
TheFlyingDingo said:
I really think it's the thrill, I love waiting for it to get developed, just to see how good or bad they turned out. plus I've always had an interest in taking pictures...I've transferred about 10 gigs of photos from my phone onto my computer before. I like capturing memories...and whatnot.
Kinda what I figured. Plus there's a little more mechanical, hands on feel to it. I still love photography and enjoy taking pics and tons of them. Just never really honed my skills.

Good luck!
I've got a Bessler Enlarger that can do 35mm and 120mm. B & W only but could be used for color also. Also darkroom equipment and lights. Do not have any more 35 mm cameras. I've been looking for a Yashica or Lieca 120mm twin lens reflex.
Film can still be fun.

If you have not already discovered the Medium Format Plastic cameras, do some searching on "Holga" or "Diana".

So many flaws, so much fun. It's almost cult like, the interest in these things.

Holgas are still really cheap, 120 film is readily available, and if you get a simple developing tank, you can develop B&W negatives in your bathroom with a towel under the door.

When I was playing with it I scanned my negs on my flat bed scanner into digital files. No need for an enlarger or chemicals to get a "print".

The hard part was leaving them alone in photoshop, very tempting to "fix" some of the flaws.

Here's some stuff I did a few years ago.


I have a few shelves full of old film cameras, folders, a couple of "bricks", etc. Most of them given to me or found at flea markets.
I've heard the holgas and whatnot are fun. I like to have weight in my hand. I just picked up the last new film camera i'll need for a long while (at least until i'm not broke)...A nikon N75. This thing is dead silent, and extremely functional, so many options. What I want next is new lenses. I've got nothing in terms of lenses.
TFD, I just found this.Do you still want film? I have some old Kodak 35mm color film, and I think I still have a roll of B@W Fugi Velvia pro 35 mm film that enlarges really well without getting grainy. Have to go diggin in the closet, if you can use it.I will give it away free.
I am way too into this. I've contracted an obsession to polaroid cameras. Got my first Packfilm camera for my birthday the other day, and my second yesterday at a garage sale. I've not got waaaayyy too many cameras, and i'll be listing them on ebay. But here is the 420!
Ah, guess I saw this too late then... stumbled across my father in law's old camera that takes ONLY panoramic shots. And i know there is an old daguerotype in the farmhouse attic...

Kind of addictive isn't it? We found my late brother in law's old German 35mm and an ammo box full of film... Time to have some fun!

I kinda hate digicams. Our Sony takes a battery that costs more than a new camera.

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