00:00 January 1st 2017 until 23:59 April 1st 2017.So whens deadline...? Too much chatter- not enough matter...
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Countdown clocks will be set up after the MBBO.
00:00 January 1st 2017 until 23:59 April 1st 2017.So whens deadline...? Too much chatter- not enough matter...
Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk
April 1stSo whens deadline...? Too much chatter- not enough matter...
Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk
In the title of the thread bro...So whens deadline...? Too much chatter- not enough matter...
Sent from my LGMS550 using Tapatalk
Yeah I noticed the dates on the title but I kind of interpreted as a window of time not set yet so you're telling me that's beginning and end dates. Thank you. Come with your A game boys I got a nasty Sucka I'm throwing down
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Yeah I noticed the dates on the title but I kind of interpreted as a window of time not set yet so you're telling me that's beginning and end dates. Thank you. Come with your A game boys I got a nasty Sucka I'm throwing down
That was a one-off last year.How about the offroad build off? Been out of the loop a lil while? Sorry if Im missing it.
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Yeah flip the slots around so when your Off Road Bike is done you could take it out in the snow. Then build a Muscle Bike to finish in time for spring riding... Then the Big Build Off, then another bike...then another bike... Then....HELP! I'm caught in a loop! Hehe...Would definitely like to see the return of ORBO!
But the ORBO results in being able to ogle a plethora of OFF-ROAD MADNESS! compressed into a 3/4month block...instead of just the occasional build here and there. I had four builds planned for the last ORBO, and didn't even get a thread started...but at least I got to see everyone else's cool stuffThere is a thread simply titled "builds". That one has none of the following...
Time limits
Done.How about just a anything goes build,no rules,except it has to be rideable with pedals... That means people who want to finish what they have started can,and anyone that wants to start a new bike can. makes it just a easy winter build-off.
I have wanted to call one of my buildsHow about just a anything goes build,no rules,except it has to be rideable with pedals... That means people who want to finish what they have started can,and anyone that wants to start a new bike can. makes it just a easy winter build-off.
Some of us have many bikes started in our minds.
Also thought of a few build offs for fun.
1. a bike build off pre 1920's(a ode to safety,bonecrusher etc )
2. a pocket bike build.(wheels have to be 20" or less)
3. a wacky races build(crazy,nut job,wacky design)
Ooops! Yes, it should...Shouldn't the title say 2017 since this is starting Jan 1st?
Yes, but you can't enter previously started builds in the main build-off.Wait. Isn't an anything goes build off what the main build off is?