Ok I could have stuck this as a continuation of my theft post in the how to section , but I decided on here. I was having problems bending 1'' tubing without deforming it. I tried several methods and finally found what it takes. If your serious about frame building and want the right tool for the right job , grab some of your money out of the bank ($500) and buy a JD2 model 3 bender. This works really easy....no sand....no heat...no anything. Stick some tubing in one and just as easy as spreading butter , it will make perfect bends. I made one 120 degree , which would be a chain stay or a seat stay, in just a few minutes. There is no need for the handle extension it is so easy to do the 1''. I made another 120 with a couple bends to make a looptail. Not knowing the measurements I just guessed. It was a trial anyway. You have to be kinda careful , because its all heavy and there is a good chance to pinch something if your not looking at your fingers....ask me how I know. So here are a few examples of what it will do to 1'' tubing. The darker is 12 gauge and the silver is 16 gauge. Perfect bends ...no crimps or flat spots. :wink: The cost is a little high , but if you decide to sell it , you can get most of your money back. They don't last very long for sale.