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I do like the talking also, but I don't look at some of the build threads anymore because you can go pages and pages and pages and see more bunnies and catburgers than bicycles. I also like the fact that the language is clean, though in person I cuss a lot. I think that cussing would lead to more flame posts and critical bashing type talk. That is one of the best things about RRB, that everyone is accepting of others builds, processes, and results.

Good job RRB!!!!
Sometimes it's fun when a thread goes OT, and ventures into the ridiculous. I've had a few belly laughs trading goofy posts with some of the crew at the CABE. The only flip side of that is when a thread drifts into hot button stuff- arguments over politics, and religion can sour the vibe on a site quickly. And, I have to admit, I've been guilty of jumping in against my better judgment, and letting fly. No more. I have other sites to visit where I can talk all the politics and current events I want. I come to the bike sites to GET AWAY from that stuff.

Rat Rod said:
Yeah...I'm not real crazy about all of the chatting in the build threads these days...especially if it has nothing to do with the build.

At one point in the past I wanted to create a rule that only the builder could post in his or her own thread to keep things clean and easy to follow, but some folks like hearing feedback from others.

I understand completely, RR. I'm a Mod at an HD site, and threads go OT at the drop of a hat. There's usually a group of suspects that seem to do it all the time, but I've learned that it's just part of life on forums.

Our current stats:
Threads: 40,248,
Posts: 574,618,
Members: 23,899

Generally, we have 650-1000 members signed in at any one time.

For a while, I started pruning threads, deleting posts that were OT or seemed to be jacking the threads, but then I got bombarded with PMs of "Where's my post?"

Sticky threads I generally post, then close. Keeps them sanitary and free from jacking.

A warning every once and a while seems to keep threads on topic, and being consistant about it workls as well. As well, we have NO PEOPLE under the age of 18, so for adults, you'd THINK a message of keeping threads OT would be listened to more.
Even thought the cabe has tons of members its like no one ever responds to anything over there, your right, much better conversation over here, you see the same post for days even weeks on most of the sub forums over there, unmoved. From what I have seen not as much raw talent over there either. :mrgreen:
I need to be monitoring threads more (but I've been busy this week with VBS, lets go off-topic about it), but I missed this one and have already been mentioned twice! :shock: :shock:

I've never been to the CABE, not once. I came here because I built a flat black bike with whitewalls and red rims and someone saw it and led me mere. Once I got here I saw Steve's signature line and intro and I knew I was in the right place.

My daughter can read now and I don't care if she sees what you guys write. My son loves the bike photos and I'm not afraid to click into any thread to show him bikes without having to scan it ahead of time.

I like off-topic, because that's what happens in real life conversations... at least it does with me. :roll:

Schwinnray69, we still want you here buddy!

Steve, thanks for all you do to allow us to talk a lot. :mrgreen:
I have read some threads on other sites and most seem to be more for purest, sometimes I think about joining and posting pics of "fatfire" 55 spitfire with felt cream thick bricks or "green with envy" late 40s early 50s Monark with schwinn fork and western flyer grips and see if I could give any purest a panic attack
dragnusa said:
I have read some threads on other sites and most seem to be more for purest, sometimes I think about joining and posting pics of "fatfire" 55 spitfire with felt cream thick bricks or "green with envy" late 40s early 50s Monark with schwinn fork and western flyer grips and see if I could give any purest a panic attack

be sure to tell them your grandpa says it's all original too, just the way he left it when he went to war ... :mrgreen:
A few different reasons why I am a member here.

#1. way cool pedalcycles

#2. a melting pot of members with everykind of background

#3. I have an addiction that I am battling. This site has given me assistance in the way of creativity. If I am on here, I don't have time to partake in "activities". Now that I have something to occupy my time in a healthy way, I am a much better person. My family seems to agree as well as my wonderful wife of 17 years went out yesterday and bought me a flux core welder to help progress my new found hobby.

Thanks to everyone.

Off -topic, my whole life is off-topic, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the natural progression of a conversation. I once diagrammed the progression of a conversation from a discussion on skating in a graveyard to Kentucky drinking whiskey. It made perfect sense.

bpellham said:
A few different reasons why I am a member here.

#1. way cool pedalcycles

#2. a melting pot of members with everykind of background

#3. I have an addiction that I am battling. This site has given me assistance in the way of creativity. If I am on here, I don't have time to partake in "activities". Now that I have something to occupy my time in a healthy way, I am a much better person. My family seems to agree as well as my wonderful wife of 17 years went out yesterday and bought me a flux core welder to help progress my new found hobby.

Thanks to everyone.

Keep up the fight Bill. Cutting grinding and welding are great therapy, if you make a mistake cut it up and redo it!!
Good luck, Joe

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