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Rain everywhere I guess

Well, it got to 80F today and I put my middle weight Jackets, flannel and other long sleeved shirts into our storage unit. I put the heavy duty stuff like snow pack boots, wool cloths, mitts and heavy hats away a month ago. The bad thing is that the small maple tree leaves are just coming out and are red as they haven't had enough light or warmth to make chlorophyl yet. 10 more weeks until our average day of first frost, yeah. Gotta get busy with my projects and bike building, time is short.
110 heat index again today .:heart: Heat stroke weather .

Ouch, that would kill me. It's been in the high 70s F touching 80F twice here. It's been cooling down into the low 60s F at night so I do my riding starting at 7 or 8 AM. By the time I finish it is getting hot but the morning has been pleasant riding. I can generally get in 18 to 20 miles before it gets hot and uncomfortable to ride. I don't suppose it cools off at might much there?
Ouch, that would kill me. It's been in the high 70s F touching 80F twice here. It's been cooling down into the low 60s F at night so I do my riding starting at 7 or 8 AM. By the time I finish it is gettinn g hot but the morning has been pleasant riding. I can generally get in 18 to 20 miles before it gets hot and uncomfortable to ride. I don't suppose it cools off at might much there?
Mid 80's and muggy rain at night and very foggy to the sun comes
up . We get up at four and work on chores till ten , then back inside for A/C . Your legs must look like Popeye's with all the riding you do. We load the bikes in the truck and ride on the beach maybe a mile , at least we can jump in the 85 deg water and cool off .
Mid 80's and muggy rain at night and very foggy to the sun comes
up . We get up at four and work on chores till ten , then back inside for A/C . Your legs must look like Popeye's with all the riding you do. We load the bikes in the truck and ride on the beach maybe a mile , at least we can jump in the 85 deg water and cool off .

Four AM, that's brutal. Are their trade winds or a breeze at the beach? I'm pretty fit for a 73 yo. This summer I have not been able to get rid of the 10 pounds of belly fat that I always shed in the summer. I have to impress the 70+ year old gals, you know. So far this year I have only ridden 830 miles. The current surface water temperature of Lake Superior is between 45 to 55 F, depending where you are. We went briefly swimming yesterday in L. S. and were impressed that we didn't get numb as soon as we stuck our feet in. Of course the Lake has a nasty habit of turning over, bringing up deep cold water to the surface. One day it is swimmable, the next day you need a wet suit. ha. On days where the air temperature reaches into the 90s all you have to do is go to the L.S. shore and it is 20 F cooler, unless there is a multi day heat wave, then you have to go for a car ride. Almost no one has home air-conditioning. Some people have a window unit in their bedroom but I find a fan works real good at night during a heat wave where it is in the 80s at night. For the past 5 years it has been mostly 65F for summer days, perfect for bike riding, I love it. Two years ago we got our one day of summer in September where it got to 93F, hot for only that day. There was a 100 mile mountain bicycle race that day and the temps took their toll. It rained the day before and there were crashes on the slippery rock faces and roots.
Don't sound like you ever had a summer this year ?

We did get two lower 80s days, quite a few mid 70s days and some nice upper 60s this month. The best thing is that the cold knocked the bugs back to a tolerable level. No one, no matter how old, can remember the bugs being as bad as they are this year. Finally they seem to be at a normal level. The weather temperature has been perfect for biking but you can't stop in the woods for water or a personal break, unless you want to be bug food. Hopefully it will be better now.

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