Love that picture! We had 2.5 inches of rain this morning in less that an hour. Close to 29 inches since May 1st. (central New York)
Love that picture! We had 2.5 inches of rain this morning in less that an hour. Close to 29 inches since May 1st. (central New York)
110 heat index again today .Heat stroke weather .
Mid 80's and muggy rain at night and very foggy to the sun comesOuch, that would kill me. It's been in the high 70s F touching 80F twice here. It's been cooling down into the low 60s F at night so I do my riding starting at 7 or 8 AM. By the time I finish it is gettinn g hot but the morning has been pleasant riding. I can generally get in 18 to 20 miles before it gets hot and uncomfortable to ride. I don't suppose it cools off at might much there?
Mid 80's and muggy rain at night and very foggy to the sun comes
up . We get up at four and work on chores till ten , then back inside for A/C . Your legs must look like Popeye's with all the riding you do. We load the bikes in the truck and ride on the beach maybe a mile , at least we can jump in the 85 deg water and cool off .
Don't sound like you ever had a summer this year ?Fall is here as it has turned cols for two days. It was 41F this morning and I turned on the heat. Gotta get my frames painted.
Don't sound like you ever had a summer this year ?