Picked up this old Ertl trike to fix up for my grandson. He's only 14 months so I have plenty of time to get it ready. LOL
I need some help with the cottered cranks. One pin is good and snug even though the nut doesn't tighten as the threads are stripped. The other pin is loose and the crank wobbles. It doesn't look like the one that's tight, so I figure it's not original. Who knows, maybe neither one is original.
Never worked on cottered cranks before. Is there any special trick to picking out the right pins?
I need some help with the cottered cranks. One pin is good and snug even though the nut doesn't tighten as the threads are stripped. The other pin is loose and the crank wobbles. It doesn't look like the one that's tight, so I figure it's not original. Who knows, maybe neither one is original.
Never worked on cottered cranks before. Is there any special trick to picking out the right pins?