Ronsonic said:Anyway, that's my case for O/A brazing.
thanks for that, Ronsonic. i'm curious about the O/A approach, but no one here seems to be doing it. maybe it dates me, but i've always thought that brazing was how frames were built.
Ronsonic said:Anyway, that's my case for O/A brazing.
You be right.Jake said:Thank you all for your replies.I have learned a lot and have gotten a few good ideas.
One thing though about brazing tubes...doesn't this bring into the equation ones ability to cut the tubes to more exacting tolerances? With the Mig/Tig type welding (in my humble uneducated guess) the tolerances for dry fitting doesn't need to be as tight. Am I wrong in this assumption?
Herman said:To get a nicer looking weld with a mig,use the whip technique,that is moving the arc quickly ahead of the puddle and bringing it back to the edge of the puddle,pausing until the "new" puddle is the same size as the previous,whipping ahead again,keep repeating.When "whipping" ahead you don't go to far(you don't actually leave the puddle,you are basically elongating it).When done right your weld will look like a roll of dimes,each one overlapping the next one.
XC204 said:Sorry Unc didn't mean to imply Tig was the only way ,just a possible in a wide price range. Its good for me because its slow moving and I can control my speed easily. I tried Mig a few times dut those things just move too fast for me. Also just wanted to get the site info out as its a wealth of information.
I am so sorry I didn't follow this through. My apologies. The other day in another thread you asked again which made me think of this post. Today I needed a welder at work to fix a broken weathervane, lets just say that Joel broke it. :roll: He did......Joel broke it. I went home to grab the first welder that I made, #2 I gave to a friend and #3 is the one screwed to a hand cart that I use for my bikes. So looks like I'll just have to get off my duff and get this going :wink: . I had planned to make a portable out of it so I found an old Work tool box and put all the parts in it.udallcustombikes said:Thanks Graylock! I will be watching for the AZ newsletter!