I knew there was reason I liked you.All Rush. All the time. No exceptions. RUSH IS VARIETY, B****ES!
I was fortunate enough to have been to 3 Rush concerts in Chicago, late 1970's. On my 19th birthday coming home from a Rush show at the Aragon Brawlroom we got caught in an ice storm and spent the night in a Camaro on the interstate due to a bus wreck ahead of us. We had suppliesAll Rush. All the time. No exceptions. RUSH IS VARIETY, B****ES!
Always have winter supplies, you’re smart. I have a surplus flight suit, heavy boots, sleeping bag and candles in my kit. If I’m taking the ferry from Detour to Drummond Island in the Lower St, Mary’s River, in the winter, my supplies always include 3 beers/person and a pee jug. The ferry gets about 20 yards from the dock and gets stuck in the ice. You have to wait for the Coast Guard ice breaker to get the ferry un stuck. Three beers is perfect, you have to have the beer supply both ways. The kids on the school bus have to become creative waiting for the Coast Guard. I learned this trick from the people that live on the Island year round. Always be prepared.I was fortunate enough to have been to 3 Rush concerts in Chicago, late 1970's. On my 19th birthday coming home from a Rush show at the Aragon Brawlroom we got caught in an ice storm and spent the night in a Camaro on the interstate due to a bus wreck ahead of us. We had supplies.
I had this on for a few hours yesterday, AKA the power of suggestion:
Their moving Pictures Tour stopped in Anaheim and I was fortunate enough to be there. I have not been to a ton of shows, but many have been memorable. My youngest brother has seen them 16 times.
Lol couldn't find a suitable Fanboy meme. I'm never sure how far our guys go outside the country. Here's more Canadian Content. Did you guys get the Headstones?