What did you do to your bike today?

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predfan2001 said:
My old seat was worn out and hurt when riding...but newer seats wouldn't fit because the old seat posts were alot smaller diameter. So I cut a short piece of an old BMX seat post and welded it to the end of the post on my Challenger. Now it takes a 1" seat clamp. Seats will easier to find now as far as fitment goes.

I had the reverse of your problem. I have a new(ish) Electra that came with an ugly seat. I found a really cool old leather seat at a local shop. They warned me that it probably wouldn't fit with my seat post. They were right. However, I took the seat-to-post attachment off the Electra seat and attached it to the old seat (which luckily fit in the seat track).
npence said:
we took the bikes out for the Parade today It was a great time Dressing up like back in the 50's. :D
Me and My Wife

lookin great Nate! A man after my own heart - Iv'e been sporting chops for as long as I could grow them! - still want that lens back?
actually I have found 2 after selling that one to you but if you have a good price on it might be interested. Thanks, Nate
I laced up a wheel for the Cadillac bike late last night, then unlaced it :( Incorrect spoke length......Oh and I unloaded my latest fresh find from my van. late 30's Rollfast Scout :D :D :D More on that later.
Thanks Dr. T it was a great day riding, I take it there isnt to many vintage bikes in your neck of the woods Eh.
Ok this would be from Saturday ,picked up tire liners for my daughters Lil Chic and installed them , then tried to fix the tubes, and decided it was a loosing battle, so I went thru my tube pile and actually thru stuff out :shock: and found a couple of tubes worthy of repair,so with that done ,I replaced the banana seat with one I got from Tiang , and it makes a big difference,so she is happy now, and while I was out in my garage my nieghbor wants to know if I can install a tube in his bike, he has a 27x 1 3/8 tube and after he left I get the bike on the stand and he has 28 inch wheels :? so I call the bike shop he got the tube from and he tells me it will work...and yes it did, so he gave me three new tubes for the english bikes for labor 8) and then I pulled the Fasback out of the garage and adjusted a few things and started to get the cable dialed in for the three speed , I had to stop as I don't have the barrel adjuster for the rear chain hook up, so its close to being a rider,here's an old pick,don't look any different
npence said:
Thanks Dr. T it was a great day riding, I take it there isnt to many vintage bikes in your neck of the woods Eh.

Not really, outside of myself, Double Nickle and DonOne I rarely see anything vintage. I guess it was just too hilly and hot for bikes here in the 40's - 60's :mrgreen:

The other thing is, you have to drive into Atlanta to find a decent sized park with space to ride. We have a trail called the 'Silver Comet' that streches to Alabama, but it's a little 'rustic' to ride old single speed cruiser bikes on. It's geared more towards 'hybrid' or 'comfort' bikes. I'm not saying there aren't some skinny tired dudes on it, I'm saying one of them ISN'T me! :mrgreen:

It's cool though, I'm gonna keep building my bikes until I move to the beach! :wink: :wink:
I didnt do anything with my bikes today Had to take a road trip to get this bike today.
npence said:
I didnt do anything with my bikes today Had to take a road trip to get this bike today.
:shock: :mrgreen: RIGHT ON! :shock: :mrgreen:
Where did you get it!?......CL?, Ebay?... WOW! that is one cool Elgin :mrgreen:
Worth the trip!
I added a set of traditional cruiser bars to my bobber recently, and while they do feel better, they weren't in the 'vintage motorcycle' image I want for this bike. So, I decided to add a cross brace. Here's how it turned out.

Dr. T
A few days ago I got my cloth insulated wire in the mail :D going to be for my headlight

Wrapped it around some steel cable ( Ikea curtain "rod") for stiffness

The weather could not have been better today!
rode Blue-X all over town running errands all day

Then rode out to the annual work picnic a few coworkes ride Blue-X
only took this pic :roll:

Was a great day working on and riding my bike!
I installed a B135 on my Townie 7 and realized with the stock handlebars that I need a bent post to sit me back a bit further -- looking forward to finding a new front end!

Beverage time...
Got 'new' handlebars with nice long ends for my 'Amsterback' build, they'll hold a full-sized grip+GripShifter+brake levers.
Sorry, no pics, may still try to strike up a diamond-frame build-off.

Cheers! And like zenkick said....Beverage time!
Have a great weekend, get out and ride that rad rod bike you slaved over, even if it's a little.

Dr. T

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