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Nov 27, 2007
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i can come up with a few ideas to fill the void.... but was there accesories, or a special rubber gromet or something that filled this space..... the fender slapps against the forks and makes it sound like my bike is fallin apart....... any cool ideas??
dont know about cool ideas but there should be a screw that runs through the fender into the fork to keep it snug
cant really tell from the pic(kinda small......) but if there is a screw is it tightened all the way? if it is and the gap doesnt close the fenders are to wide for the forks and thats most likely the problem

there is no screw, but even it there were, it would pull the fender out of shape to close that gap..... i was thinking maybe there was suposed to be rubber in there or something..... on the back fender there is a plastic insert in the frame that a screw threads into, but this is not the same.... im not sure whats goin on, and i cant find pic of another one of these bikes anywhere to use as a reference
one thing that you could do is get some aluminum pipe. cut to the lengh you need and use it to fill the gap. It will not rust and if you wish it polishis up real nice! :wink: :D
heres a pic of a 60's flightliner fron "Daves Vintage Bicycles", looks like same fork and looks like the fender is screwed in from the bottom to me.

simple there is a screw that threads up into the fork from under the fender. because the screw is not there now the fender just sits there rattling about. put a screw in there and you will be golden.
CCR said:
heres a pic of a 60's flightliner fron "Daves Vintage Bicycles", looks like same fork and looks like the fender is screwed in from the bottom to me.


those forks do look the same but the fender is way different...... mine is a full fender, it has the bars that attach from it to the front axle to keep it in place. do any style lights mount there?? i guess im just going to have to make some kind of bushing or something..... if i put a screw in it the way it is, its going to bend the fender, because its already held in place by the bars that atach to the axle.
Well, since there is a slot in the fender, which prob. is for a screw, I think you should have a look in the fork from under, if here is like a nut welded in there or some threads, screwing the fender in place is prob. the right thing to do.!
Id find anything I have to fill the void...Try old hand brake parts...or hit the hardware store for rubber washers...run that screw up thru the fender,thru the new "void filler" and into the underside of the forks...heck, get creative and hit a craft store...maybe find a cool little skull or somethin neat to put in there :D :D :D
alright guys.......... i took a looksey, and you were right...... the fender DOES in fact but up against the forks.... i was worried that it would take the fender out of shape, but i tried it and its perfect!! thanks for the help!! now all i have to do is find a screw hahahha
from what i can tell it looks like the fender was swapped at some point that would be why it wouldnt go all the way. have you tried pushing the fender up?(if so is there alot of resistance? it you dont have to fight it and its not warping the fender try putting a screw in. if it does warp or fight you then the fenders to wide). hope this helps

oops......guess i should read instead of typing first :oops: !