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Dec 5, 2009
Reaction score
Dayton Ohio
Rating - 0%
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I was at my LBS today and I immediately noticed this Trek Soho single speed road/hybrid/commuter whatever ya call it bike on the rack...I stood there staring at for a few drooling over it...I always pass up the road/hybrid section, cause it's really not my style. but That Trek has really gotten my attention though. I find myself thinking about it constantly...I never owned or even ridden a bike with such skinny tires and aluminum frame. Then I look at the saddle and think...man, that does not look comfortable! Maybe a Brooks would fix that! I think tomorrow I'll go give it a "test drive". I really dig the overall stealthiness. It also has a flip flop hub. Thoughts?

Go for it! The geometry on that looks very similar to my Globe San Francisco (mine's a 3 speed IGH but they made singlespeed ones too). I wasn't really looking for a city/commuter bike but I got an awesome deal on it off craigslist and I'm really glad I bought it. The thing is so light and quick, I have a blast with it on the local paved trails.

im with you, i use to passs up those bikes for the longest time. see my back ground is lowriders cars, lowrider bikes and fat tire beach curisers. before a few month ago i only had one mountin bike ever and never ever ever a skiny tire, wedge for a seat type of bike... but about @ month ago i finally rode a fixed gear and i loved it and i had to build one of my own... light, sleek, super faast the only thing i had to get comfortable with was the whole not stop peddling thing other then that it was cool. i found a complete green 10 speed free sprit, stripedoff all the wieght , slaped 27" aluminum wheels on it, red tires, red cables, red nog lights too match and a brass bell and its my daily beater now, unless im going far i use my 27 speed M/B for those trips... long story short go for it. fixed gear was the way of the past...
im with you, i use to passs up those bikes for the longest time. see my back ground is lowriders cars, lowrider bikes and fat tire beach curisers. before a few month ago i only had one mountin bike ever and never ever ever a skiny tire, wedge for a seat type of bike... but about @ month ago i finally rode a fixed gear and i loved it and i had to build one of my own... light, sleek, super faast the only thing i had to get comfortable with was the whole not stop peddling thing other then that it was cool. i found a complete green 10 speed free sprit, stripedoff all the wieght , slaped 27" aluminum wheels on it, red tires, red cables, red nog lights too match and a brass bell and its my daily beater now, unless im going far i use my 27 speed M/B for those trips... long story short go for it. fixed gear was the way of the past...
Great looking bike. Very similar to the main bike I`ve been riding for...oh, I guess 5 years or so. Mine is a converted Mountain bike, but similar overall set up. The seat may take a little getting used to, but will probably be fine after a little break in. Remember, you`re not sitting with your full weight on it like a cruiser, it`s distributed over your hands, feet, and butt because of the different position on the bike. The shape and fit of the saddle is actually more important than the padding. You`ll probably love the quick handling and speed of that bike...addictive! :)
Took that crazy skinny bike for a test drive today! It was indeed fast, unbelievably light, (21lbs) but a bit harder to pedal on take off than my cruiser...has a 17t on the rear. It felt like it was in 6th gear the whole time. The 700c tires were a bit scary on cornering, compared to a 2x2.125 tire, but the bike really fit me well!(17.5 inch) Surprisingly the saddle was not bad at all...just the riding position was awkward for me, something I could adapt to no doubt. A very awesome bike. I want.
don't worry, those 700cs will grip. isn't it fun riding a tight, light fast bike?

get a bigger gear for the back or a smaller chain ring and you'll be all set. maybe talk the bike shop into swapping gears for you.

also, they could bump up the tires to the next size. are they 25c? ...maybe go 28c.
ifitsfreeitsforme said:
don't worry, those 700cs will grip. isn't it fun riding a tight, light fast bike?

get a bigger gear for the back or a smaller chain ring and you'll be all set. maybe talk the bike shop into swapping gears for you.

also, they could bump up the tires to the next size. are they 25c? ...maybe go 28c.
Definitely a fun ride. If I do get it, I will keep the bike stock for a couple weeks and see if I can get used to it. I do think maybe a 19t would be about right for me.
I have had aluminum bike frames before, and now I am going back to ridding only steel. Those aluminum frames are totally ridgid and offer no flex, and I hated to feel every little bump on the road.

If you would like to consider a same style bike with a real frame, I would recommend either a Jamis coda, Kona Smoke, or even a marin muirwoods.
cjlink said:
I have had aluminum bike frames before, and now I am going back to ridding only steel. Those aluminum frames are totally ridgid and offer no flex, and I hated to feel every little bump on the road.

If you would like to consider a same style bike with a real frame, I would recommend either a Jamis coda, Kona Smoke, or even a marin muirwoods.
Totally agree...

But i still sware by my raleigh XXIX...Interesting that it went belt
cruisehard said:
bighit said:
Think of it as a stealth bomber for the neighborhood.
Literally! Bombing hills that is. I wonder how much faster these skinny tire bikes are?

I've had this one up to 53mph on a nice long down hill. I ran out of gear to go any faster.

On flats, picking it up to 30mph in a sprint was no problem.

M.Martian said:
cruisehard said:
bighit said:
Think of it as a stealth bomber for the neighborhood.
Literally! Bombing hills that is. I wonder how much faster these skinny tire bikes are?

I've had this one up to 53mph on a nice long down hill. I ran out of gear to go any faster.

On flats, picking it up to 30mph in a sprint was no problem.


WOW that's fast, Around here it's all flatland, I've probably had my Hercules to 35 but I'm out of shape too.