Since the Shelby I normally decorate for holidays needs an overhaul I decided to use J.C. Piggins to enjoy Independence Day with my Dad.(his ashes are encased in a glass "pocket stone)
The Main Event of the day was one of my favorite of the year. A picnic competition in Thompson Park where the symphony plays patriotic music!
Park full of contestants & spectators
The symphony is accompanied by CANNONS!!
Kinda hard to see but this is the part where kids line up to take turns conducting the band.

Back side of the symphony under the tent.
And then, just as a thunderstorm was passing, the 1812 Overture as a finalé. With CANNONS!!

Thunder from the passing storm could not have been timed better!
Always a fun event!

Then I cranked up the boombox & spent the afternoon cruising around on a beautiful day.
Stopped to reflect on the meaning & importance of Independence Day.
Had to stop for a Captain 'Merica waffle cone to cool off. Delicious!
Are ewe talkin' to ME?!
Avoided threatening rain all day & had a blast on my favorite holiday!