Twenty miles on this beast yesterday and 20 miles again today. It was 0 degrees Fahrenheit when I did the AM 10 miles today. It was tough because it snowed about two inches last night so it was soft. I got the usual sore aching freezing eyeballs and an ice cream headache until I warmed up. The PM ten miles was easier as it was 20 F and the snow was plowed down to the ice. Notten else ta do as it’s too cold in my shop to work on bike projects. Since January 1st I have ridden 390 miles on plowed gravel roads. I have a 75 year old friend that has a lot more miles than I do. I started him biking and created a monster. I’m also 75 and we have been friends since childhood. I think his goal is to compete with me but I can’t keep up. He beat me pretty bad in 2020.