Boss to the Bay again last Saturday.
Around the Brisbane Manly foreshores, points and Boat Harbour.
From my place to the first beach is around 10km.
The only time I'm not on cycleways is up a no through road with almost nil traffic.
Harder work with the big knobbies - but pretty good fun when I get there.
I don't go out very far on to the low tide plains - they are absolutely teaming with small crustaceans, but stay on the sand and it's a good workout.
As I said to a lady cyclist watching me clowning around. "... still don't know what I want to do when I grow up!"
I stopped to watch some intense racing 'action' for a few minutes too.
Finished this one up this morning and gave it a rip through the country roads. A challenging build that started with a bike that had been hit hard in the front. Fork mangled and the frame needing welding and paint repair.. 37 Emblem built Elgin. I have been influenced by local friends and riders @Speed King and @Mr. Monkeyarms on this particular build
I had the honor of riding @SwissGuy 's Buggy Trike today in Berlin, Germany. We had a great ride with a couple of custom stretch bike life people I met from my contacts in that world too. What a great day!!!
I had the honor of riding @SwissGuy 's Buggy Trike today in Berlin, Germany. We had a great ride with a couple of custom stretch bike life people I met from my contacts in that world too. What a great day!!!
I had the honor of riding @SwissGuy 's Buggy Trike today in Berlin, Germany. We had a great ride with a couple of custom stretch bike life people I met from my contacts in that world too. What a great day!!!
The Big Ripper to the bayside on Saturday. First taste of summer - 31c moderated by a stiff sou-easter later in the day.
First bit of the ride is cycleway through 'burbs and then alongside a main road.
It gets interesting at the causeway and there's some boardwalk through the mangroves out to the coastal parks.
There's a shared cycleway along the beachfront - which is much nicer at high tide.
I stopped for a drink because it struck me that the most grandiose thing about Eastwood Beach is its recently erected signage and proclamation.
2 headland further north and in Wynnum.
I went on a bit further to the 'Wynnum Fringe festival' and there was a car show out front. The festival itself was not BDC compliant however. Performance art is more than acting silly in an even sillier costume!
But like grandpa said when he got fired by the Automobile Club, "Don't get me started".