I really like the idea of producing the 'Harley-style' springer pictured.
I'm no fabricator (of bike parts anyway :roll: ) just a 'wanna be' bike designer/dreamer, but when I look at that fork I see a Murray-style ballooner fork, with 2 fabbed 'extensions' for the rear fork (they could be made from the legs of an old set of bent forks, they don't even need to curve in) and a Raleigh (or other) road fork with the fork tube cut off for front fork.
Split the road fork, weld in a section of the discarded fork tube as a spacer (these have to fit around 2.125 tires or bigger) and use two pieces of all-thread or some long lag bolts that some porch swing springs would slide over. All you need then is an 'H' shaped plate at the top (with light mounts as a bonus)and some simple rockers at the bottom to tie the two forks together.
Come to think of it, you could make a 'skinny' version for running a narrow front tire on those 'old school' chopper bikes!
While a little more 'involved' than making truss rods, a 'new' springer alternative would be a welcome addition to our hobbyb (how many of us have looked at the new Abraham Linkage fork on Felt's site, huh?). These would also be popular with the growing group of folks building motorized bicycles. Look how many of Monark copies are being purchased and rewelded by those who know better.
On top of that, you'd be 'green' by making good use of all those 'skinny' forks out there by recycling them as springers! :wink:
Just brainstormin' instead of workin; on a Monday afternoon.... :mrgreen:
Dr. T