LOL, ok.... I don't think there is a Mandatet Law that says you have to attend in the buf.
As I Recall , we are all born into this world as a Gift From God & as I recall, He Delivers ALL OF US , to all his followers on this Earth BUCK ASS NAKED !! lol
Correct me if i'm wrong here please Mr. Rat Rod Steve.
There Is Nothing wrong with nudity, Its what everyone wants to attach to it that starts making it a dark thing.
Pesonally I dont feel I would go in the buff but thats me ok. Im a Prude lol.
I feel there is a time & place for everything & Nothing should be done or used to/in exceses ......... except mayby old hard to find bicycles yano
If they wana pay $300.00 each to run around in the desert SUN BURNING THE HECK out of their tender bits ( breast & wangs ) , who am I to tell them no.
It will fix it's self after they cant wear a Brazier , Shirt or Pants or sit down for a week during the healing aterwords lol.
Stupid is as stupid dose & Im sure you only do that once.
We still have people now that leave there garbage were they used it last .... we call them homeless now .... the hippys all grew up & got Jobs
Dose this mean you can Bash them ??? They ride Bikes Too. I Kinda sence a Hater in the crowd .....
To Bad.
Haters Suffer from sever STUPIDITY ... Like I mentioned earlyer... Stupid is as stupid dose. Guess Hatters just cant help themselves ... Oh Well lol
I hate Green Beans ,Coliflower & Burnt Toast lol