Unchained said:Thanks for all the replies, I guess it makes a little more sense to me now, though I don't know if I like the idea of stopping a fixed gear, it does sound kind of hard on you and not too enjoyable. I get what people mean when they talk about a bike being beautiful in it's basic form, and some frames do look nice without the extras. RZ94, could you please pm or post some pictures of the freewheel setup on your cheater fixie? I think that is an awesome idea and undoubtedly how I would do one if I were to do it. Also, you could use a coaster brake like Benz mentions, but then the purpose really has been defeated :lol: I've got something to think about, anyway.
Philphine said:it just occurred to me. if your putting force on it backward to stop, what are the chances that you just unscrew the rear sprocket and then can't stop? or does the rear sprocket attatch some other way?
hahahaha!JoeyMac said:If you got a lot of hills around you, you won't want to ride the fixed gear. Part of the reason that I never got around to building one for myself. Also, by the time I got it working, the fixed gear trend will have passed, hipsters will all be riding little pink barbie bikes or something, and I would be uncool with my outdated fixed gear bike.
Dude, you could buy up all the local pink barbie bikes and make a killing, just have to get the trend going!!! :lol: ~Adam...the fixed gear trend will have passed, hipsters will all be riding little pink barbie bikes or something...
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