Nice bike! It looks like a Snyder made (Rollfast) bike with a Schwinn sprocket and replacement forks. The forks are striaght, unusual so I think they were modified or part of a springer fork, but the paint doesn't match the frame so I don't think they are the ones that came with the bike.
As for year, probably early 50's is my guess.
From the late 40's early 50's is my guess. It is missing the front fender and truss rods. I believe front fender should of had a light mounted on it as well. Could be Ohio Murray built. I know they made a Deluxe Cruise and a Super Cruiser, this should have been on the chain guard. I can't tell if your chain guard is a repaint or original.
This is a Monark built Firestone; early 50s. I think Adamtinkerer is pretty familiar with Monark serials, but they're off my base. That is a Monark springer fork, but missing all the business pieces.
Yep, Monark built, probably early 50s. The serial, unless there's a digit missing, doesn't line up with a specific year. If it has the aluminum ID tag, it's 1946-54. -Adam