It says it right on it.. 

Picking a name for a build was always my favorite part of the process. This one was easy. Trottinette is french for scooter, so shortened would be "trot". Something ratty could be rotted, so "rot"..Trot Rot. I was going to call it Trot Rat. But Trot Rot just rolls out of your mouth easier. I like saying it too. Trot Rot....Trot Rot...Trot Rot (sounds kinda dirty for some reason). "Hey! Did you stop at the store?" "Don't tell me what to do, you little Trot Rot!"..or.." I went to the doctor today".."What did he say?"..."He told me I have Trot Rot!"
Back of Trot Rot salve labelI think they have a salve for that now......[emoji851]
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Exactly!If not internally or externally...then where? And how safe can it be?