What's the normal amount of "slop" on a coaster brake?

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May 15, 2008
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Just put together my KK Roadster and took it for a little spin. It seems as though there is a lot of pedal travel before the coaster brake engages. Somewhere around 6-8".

Is this normal or is there anything that I can check.

you mean before the brakes start stoppin the bike, or pedal spin to get the bike rollin from a stop ?

for braking usually 1/4 turn at the crank will slow me down - 1/2 turn of the crank locks mine up for doin skids, may depend on your gear sizes too but shouldnt make that much of a difference.

either they work or they dont IMO, things to look for is worn brake pads (most common) and make sure the brake gear that presses on the pads inside the hub isnt worn out. ive never "toasted" a hub but that could be a possibility too.
Well if you're getting a 1/4 to 1/2 a turn on the crank then I'm well within the proper expected tolerances.

Thanks for the confermation.

i dont quite get what you mean 6 to 8 inches? anyways some hubs do take further to lock than others. also if you have the wrong shoes in there they may be smaller so the peice that screws in when you hit the brakes has to go further before pushing the shoes out.
When I got my used Worksman 3-wheeler, I could do a full revolution of the pedals backwards before any braking started. Makes for an interesting ride. Part of this is due to gearing. That thing is geared low, something like 32:22, and that allows more pedal movement relative to rear sprocket movement than on a normal cruiser.
It depends on the brand and age of the coaster brake hub. Older ones-pre 1970 have more "slop" than newer. Ralph Nader help that and the demise of the top tube mounted stick shifts.
cman said:
It depends on the brand and age of the coaster brake hub. Older ones-pre 1970 have more "slop" than newer. Ralph Nader help that and the demise of the top tube mounted stick shifts.
Top tube mounted shifters can hurt little boys (stupid nader...)

he also killed the corvair..."unsafe at any speed" my butt!
new_dharma said:
top tube mounted shifters can hurt little boys (stupid nader...)

Big boys must not care cause they pay more for a Schwinn stick than the bike was worth originally.

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