So I thought I'd try my hand at wheel building, simple right? Just get the correct spoke length for the rims/hubs, follow the standard 36 hole layout and voila' right?
Nooooope. What's wrong with this picture??? It's standard Schwinn hub, S2 rim, and 10-5/8" spokes, now at this point all of the nipples are screwed onto the spokes to within 1/8"-1/16" from the end of the nipples and there appears to be TONS of slack left on the spokes.
Laced wrong?
Nooooope. What's wrong with this picture??? It's standard Schwinn hub, S2 rim, and 10-5/8" spokes, now at this point all of the nipples are screwed onto the spokes to within 1/8"-1/16" from the end of the nipples and there appears to be TONS of slack left on the spokes.
Laced wrong?