I wonder if one wheel might be better? Two would be best for straight wheelies. As long as the front wheel is spinning, you can control the lateral lean, by turning the bars left and right to allow the wheels gyro effect pull the bike that way.When it slows down,(f. wheel spin), you have to resort to alot more body english. Back in the day, I could ride a wheelie for about 1/4 mile, or until I just couldn't pedal fast enough anymore.The thing was you wanted to keep it up on the balancing point at all times, so you could go as SLOW as possible, when the front end drops down a bit and you have to pedal hard to get the front end back up, you gain alot of speed and eventually when you go faster and faster you can't pedal fast enough to keep the front wheel up, you simply run out of gear. I could turn 90 degree corners easy, but never could master a 360. Whe I was young and Wham-O came out with that bar, I was going to make one with a old seat bar, after all thats what the pic looks like anyway, but I never had any wheels, so it never got built, my sisters sk8 board had metal wheels if you can imagine that. :shock: I knew that wouldn't work out too well!