I remember the exact incident when I got the bug, but I'm a little hazy on the date. It would have been around '75-77. I was surfing down at Huntington Beach pier. I was headed back for my car, just about to cross PCH at Main Street, and I saw a guy roll up on a beautifully restored Autocycle. I had never seen anything so cool, and I knew right then I was going to have one come hell or high water. It took a while. Some time later, (it was '77) I bought a couple of cheap Sears ten speeds for myself, and my girlfriend. I never really did like the ten speed. But I went to an auction with a buddy of mine, and picked up an old Schwinn Co-Ed for four bucks. I brought it home, fixed it up, and as soon as I rode it around I was hooked. I sold the ten speed, and kept the old Co-Ed. I ended up with a garage full of old bikes at one point, trimmed it down to three, then crated up the three bikes for quite a few years. I got into MTB riding in the 80's, went back to cruisin' in the late 90's. I really got the fever again a little over a year ago when I saw a pic of the Stingray Spoiler. Once again it was : I MUST HAVE THAT BIKE!!! But it caused me to bring the fleet out of mothballs, look up Cyclone Coasters, and- what can I say?
Don't want no recovery.
Having too much fun.