When to overhaul a coaster hub?

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Dec 5, 2009
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Dayton Ohio
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Well, my coaster brake has been acting kinda funny these past few days...makes a more noticeable "shhhhhh" sound when stopping and also stopping more sudden. Is that a sign that the grease is starting to go? The hub in question is a newer Shimano E type.
When you do re-pack, do yourself a favor and get all the parts squeaky clean. Blow them dry w/air, if possible, I have done this and sometimes hidden contaminants will appear. Just clean again and repeat if this happens. Then use a really good grease to re-pack, I use Park Poly-Lube. It pays off in the long run! :wink:
cruisehard said:
I really hate messing with hubs...

It's not that bad, I normally get everything apart then run it over my bench grinder's wire wheel to get all the big stuff off. Then a bath in water and Dawn dish soap. scrub with an old toothbrush, dry, and reassemble with fresh grease. I've done 3 sets of hubs in the last 3 days. Fronts AND backs. If you lived closer I'd just say bring it over and I'd do it for you.
Thanks for the offer outskirtscustoms...I would def take yer offer and have you school me "the way of the coaster hub." haha
outskirtscustoms said:
Yeah if it was a three speed then I'd be intimidated. A single speed coaster brake is pretty easy.
True of newer ones, anyway. Most only require you to remove the drive side bearing and unscrew the bendix, the rest slides out the other side, with no need to mess with the brake arm for normal maintenance.
deorman said:
outskirtscustoms said:
Yeah if it was a three speed then I'd be intimidated. A single speed coaster brake is pretty easy.
True of newer ones, anyway. Most only require you to remove the drive side bearing and unscrew the bendix, the rest slides out the other side, with no need to mess with the brake arm for normal maintenance.

I've only tried to take apart one 3 speed hub, it was an older Sturmey Archer 3 speed. Parts went everywhere and I never did get it back together. I've taken them to the bike shop ever since.
I overhaul both hubs in every bike I get right off the bat. I'll disassemble and then leave them in a bath of this stuff http://www.homedepot.com/buy/paint/...rip/green-odorless-mineral-spirits-54685.html overnight and then blow them out with an airhose and paper towel and voila. No scrubbing required, I swear by that stuff.

As far as grease, I love auto grease but this stuff http://www.gemplers.com/product/198562/Valvoline-Multi-purpose-Grease is a good consistency for bikes, not too heavy. Makes a smooth ride.

Not that it's the only way to do things :wink: just how I've found works well for me. Good luck!
I Rebuilt, well actually took apart, cleaned and re-assembled an SA three speed hub that was all jammed up. Water had gotten in it and rusted some parts. I just cleaned all the rust lubed and reassembled. It works perfectly. I don't even have any of the special tools they say to use in these service instructions. Just go slow and pay attention to the small springs and how they fit in the hub when disassembling.


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