where do you ride??

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Jun 8, 2012
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Where do you ride to show off you bike?

I personally cruise my neighbor and ride around the park.
I cruise from my house through alleys up next to the flea market (to look for bikes), then swing by the scrapyard(to look for bikes), then pass the three second hand stores (to check for bikes), then I get on the trail that runs through two parks and into my off road bike paradise with 5 miles of trail, some dirt jumps, long downhill paved paths winding through the woods so it's all in the shade, and then I hit the ice cream shop on the other side.
Summer cruising at it's finest.
I ride to the post office and back, which I am about to do in a few minutes. My bike is not to cool just a walmart Huffy with kitty liter panier on one side to carry the box's. Still fun though. Must build a custom for this ride.
A group of us cruise parks and neighborhoods. Best area we cruised so far was downtown St. Petersburg by The Pier. People on the sidewalks cheered us on as we cruised by.
Well.....i got my cruiser 3 weeks ago and have been gone the last 2 weekends, so nowhere really! :lol:

But....i live basicly across the street from disneyland, so ill be rolling around there this weekend 4 sho!

Definatly will be hitting the beach area alot this summer too.
We live in the country so mostly on the quiet 2 lane roads the run thru the farmland. Sometimes i take a bike to the state park but not very often.
There's lots of great trails here in Pittsburgh along most of the 3 Rivers . My favorite on the North Shore goes past the stadiums , to Bicycle Heaven Museum , and the other end is in my town :D
either around the 'hood off and on, or the riverwalk (louisville,ky) on sunday morning/early afternoon. on a couple of past weekends i've ridden into town and back, and come back through the sort of trendy part of town. one of my bikes ended up at a bike shop in that area (one of the bikes i gave to a charity last x-mas. still not compleatly sure how it got there). i think truthfully i'm riding hoping someone recognises the bike being like the one at the shop and takes an interest in it.
I ride eveynite on the streets where i live and try to ride a different bike each time.. keeps everyone guessing ..
they call the the bike guy .. or santa.. I dont know why they call me santa.. but they are always happy to sit on porch and
wave..and ask me to stop so they can look at my bikes...
You guys have great place to ride. This for the guys who ride the trails what kind of bike do you ride? I would think a MTB but I don't know. If so I think I MAY NEED to get a bike for every occasion. :lol:
That trail looks fun! What are you riding (or did I miss that)?
Reminds me of when I was a kid and the "bike paths" behind Como Park

Now I like to work up a sweat on the way to the beach and cool off in the water :D
South beach Calhoun

East Beach Calhoun

The beach was closed this day :lol:

Thanks posting the thread
Big A said:
You guys have great place to ride. This for the guys who ride the trails what kind of bike do you ride? I would think a MTB but I don't know. If so I think I MAY NEED to get a bike for every occasion. :lol:
Used a Specialize "groundcontrol" comp back in my traildayz :mrgreen:
Ride mine to and from work.

All over the city of Chicago. :D












With the TailDraggers BC last August


As you can see I love to build, ride, and photograph, my bikes :roll: :wink: :mrgreen: