Where does everyone buy their kustom parts?

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Haha! Sensor, I forget that you're from YC. I live in Sac now, but I still own a house and work in YC. I love that town.

Just wondering. Were you at Peach Bowl during fall ball(about Nov.) last year? I wouldn't ask but I know your over 6' and this guy looked vaguely familiar. Not creeping, saw you in some posts you made here:rofl:
I can tell you right now the fork steering tube cutting die and die holder is not cheap, around $200 just for 1" head set cutter. You will be better served going to a bike shop and get it done for around $10 to $15 if you have a good relationship with them.
I found a fork with a 6 3/4" length steering tube. It doesn't work because it won't stick out of the top enough to get both nuts on.

So my question is, how does adding more threads making the steering tube longer? There's something that I'm not understanding.

The only way I know how to fix this is one of two ways. First is to find another set of forks which I'm sure you already knew. The second way is a little more involved. You still need another set of forks that you will use as a donor for the steer tube. You will have to figure out how much more in length you will need for the forks you will use. This includes the amount you will cut off of the forks to be used.

Basically you have to cut off the threaded area of the forks to be use down low enough so when you weld the the donor steer tube on there will be enough area to insert a goose neck down into it. You then cut the donor steer tube off so when welded to the forks you will use it will be the right length. Last you will weld it all together making sure it is all straight. Now this way is not for the faint at heart. Also you should most likely put a insert tube into the steer tube that fits the inside diameter of it to strengthen the steer tube weld joint.

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