you ever had one of those days where your searching for something in particular on the net, and all you get is a 1001 hits that have nothing to do with what your searching for?
you know, searching for a music video, and ya get 56 million short video's of some pimple faced kid playing guitar hero.
lot of forums on the net do there best to prevent this sorta mess from happening. ie have a zero tolerance rule for non related subjects.
i'm not saying i agree with this sorta thinking but it is something i've noticed.
it does have its benifits though, when your looking for set info, and stumble across a forum of this nature, everything is relavent to what your searching for. theres no off subject posts to sort through.
again, i'm not in agreement with thier tactic's, but i imagen if i ran a forum, and had to explain why i pulled a post, to every little trouble maker that visits the forum, emails would last about a week before i realized i had better things to do with my time. i'm not talking "off topic" threads, i mean trouble makers. but unfortunatly, i imagen soon enough alot of those off topic responses would get the same treatment.
it comes down to this, you have one of 2 choices. you follow the rules(which sometimes are not so clear), or you choose not to visit (like myself)
when the post was pulled it should have ended there.(on any forum) perhaps a private message to the owner to see whats up (if ya care to put up with the rules)
forums are not public property. just cause ya visit one, it doesn't mean you have a claim to it.
as for this post, well it would have been much easier to post....."why are you guys so anal?"
that is the point right? i'm sure they got the message, and ya wonder why they kept pulling it?
"I had a post asking if anyone had a checkered board mirror for sale. Why was the post pulled?..Is it because i said i wanted the one that didn't have the Schwinn decal on it?..if so that's VERY Narrow minded, seeing that 95% of parts used on Schwinn bikes were made by other manufacturer's..So i guess your not aloud to post for Hurett parts either?.Or any of the other parts not made in the Schwinn factory??..Is it alright to ask about Sprint parts?..seeing they didn't use the Schwinn name at first..please give us some clarification here!...another Example, Person's made the Seats for Schwinn. they just put a Schwinn tag on back.. does that mean we can't buy or sell person seat's unless they have the Schwinn tag on them?? "
the real question is, why would you waste your time going there in the first place?