Why do you build custom bikes?

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Aug 12, 2008
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Port Alto/Austin/Houston TX
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Alright well I've been asked to put together a small editorial for Kickstand Magazine and I'm having a bit of writers block. So I figured I'd ask you guys for some inspiration. I already know why I build bikes, I just need a little different perspective. Can you guys give me in maybe two or three paragraphs a brief synopsis of why you are driven to building your own bikes? Take your time, think about it and write...

Thanks guys, I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Later Travis
I will give you my reason and I think they are differant from person to person.
About two years ago ,My brother brought his new bike over to my house. It was a Chief . I rode it and with the pedal forward setup ,it was really comfortable. He paid $220 for it. I thought to myself that I could build the same bike for nothing. That was my start. It seems like there are alot of people that have drifted towards custom bike building , because custom motor cycles and street rods are so expensive. You can get the same enjoyment from unleashing you creativity on a custom bike /frame build for alot less money. Having 3000 or so people appreciating your ideas and talents dosen't hurt either.
somewhere bettween "because i can" and "because it's fun".

my parents couldn't afford to get me the kind of nice bikes other kids got, but i eventually got to where i could cobble up something for myself. that was the beginning of the ability.

i've drifted in and out of non serious collecting (more accumulating bikes that were interesting to me, not nessesarily special ones). the last serious time was over 20 years back, but a bunch of mine were stolen. i couldn't help picking up interesting parts as i came across them even when i wasn't building though. now things have kind of come together. i have my own home with a nice garage to keep them, i've learned to weld in the last few years, and part being on the 'net and seeing things i want to try.

not sure if that was a good answer, but that's why i'm here anyway.
Why? Cars are expensive and my kids can only be a passenger. Bikes are cheap, easy to customize, and the kids ride with me.
-It's fun
-It's cool having something one of a kind
-It's cheaper than motorcycles
-Why ride something anyone could go buy when you could build it :D
My reasons are multi-fold.
First- I am a car guy by heart. I love the lines on the older cars and trucks from the '30s to the late '50s. But that hobby takes a lot of time, space, and money- all of which I am VERY short of. Building bikes lets me exercise my mechanical creativity and it is very fulfilling.

Second- I have had a lot of bad habits in my past that I am not proud of and this keeps me busy so I am not just sitting around letting the vices from my past grab hold of me again.

Third- I like being the center of attention and when I take my bikes out people always stop and stare, ask questions, and give me the attention I crave. An imature reason maybe, but I like it.

Fourth- My kids love the bikes I build and that really keeps me going.

Those are just the ones I can come up with right now. I am going to put some more thought into it.
Some reasons are the same I think
I can do it cheaper
one of a kind
I don't want the same as everybody else
creative expansion
stress relief
keep from going postal
the HUNT :mrgreen:
I don't think you have writers block. Your letting us do your research...........

Ouch! That is so harsh Graylock . So here's mine.

My back gave in and my rowing in large Banks Dories came to a screeching halt. I figured The only thing I could do for exercise was ride a bike. Then after one ride I realized the hands and the neck were not up to it. Fatness set in. I took to liking recumbent bikes and thought I could make one. All the while I was researching on the internet looking at every thing I could find. Being an old hippie I realized there was a growing bike culture that was going in all directions and that I was not alone. Two years later I made my first bike. It was a tallbike. I rode that thing all spring and into the fall nearly every day. This was the just begining. I made the infamous Pug's Trike and then a few recumbents. I liked what people said about my bikes. Some who couldn't understand asked me the most stupid questions and I would toy with these people for fun.
Then I found Rat Rod Bikes. I like it here. I like it a lot.

So........ If you have to ask why I build custom bikes I'd have to say pretty much what everyone else has said. with one addition. Life is too short to ride an ugly bike 8) Yes, yes...........

I guess I worded the question wrongly. I should have said, "What are the driving factors of why we feel compelled to build our own bikes?"

I build motorcycles and bicycles because I hate what is being offered for sale by just about every manufacturer out there. Those that I do like are way beyond my pay scale so I try to emulate them to the best of my ability. Maybe its just me but I've never been satisfied with "stock" anything, and that is what drives me to create new and different ideas.

I kind of knew that the answers would be similar but I needed to see how others would word it. Thanks guys.

Later Travis
I do it because it is cheaper than therapy, and it is my therapy. To take something old, discarded, cast-off, left for dead and make it work again is a great feeling. To see the smile on peoples faces when I either give them a bike, or give them back their bike done over is well worth it. I could never do this for a living because I wouldn't ever be able to charge enough to justify it, and I really feel it would take the fun out of it.

I'm a car guy at heart but 2 divorces have left me will little or no resources to enjoy that hobby. Bikes can be brought back to life for sometimes nothing, yet made serviceble again and look as good as the eye of the beholder sees fit.

I enjoy riding bikes, and have for all of my years. Growing up, I always had an old hand me down bike until my 12th birthday. My parents scrimped and saved to by me a 1967 Huffy Rail. It was my pride and joy.....until it "disappeared" much to my dismay. I was bikeless for a few years until I was able to buy my own bike, a new 1971 Murray steel diamond frame road bike which I still have to this day. And I think this is why I have so many bikes now.....because I can!

As I'm sure most everyone on this site will agree.....don't think you'll start doing one bike and that will be it....ha ha ha!!! These bikes are worse than illegal drugs! I can't get enough of them....ever.

It is fun, inexpensive, enjoyable, limited only by ones willingness to try new things, and at times the monthly budget, but always, always fun.

The group I ride with once a month from my local friendly bike shop is such a mix of people from all walks of lfe and financial status, but when we ride, no matter what the type of bike, we are all one. And you don't find this type of comaraderie in many other venues.
See my tag line....I'm a bicycle addict!
Thanks Grampa, I mean Russ. LOL! :mrgreen:

Yeah I totally agree with you that you can't only build one! Unless you totally fail miserably on your first try and are prone to giving up, your pretty much going to be hooked!

Later Travis

PS By the way I'm no spring chicken myself, I'm 41.
Okay Travis, As you know some of us just naturally have the drive to create regardless of the medium or interests. I lay awake at night dreaming of all the combinations, lines, flows, traditions and new technology at our finger tips. When I was a kid I didn't have the guidence, discipline or resources to do what I live for today. Not a day goes by that I'm not thinking of a new build or concept. Some appear and some don't. There is not enough time to build all the bicycles I dream about in my life time. Maybe another good 20 years or so. Not to mention this thing I have called a job keeps interfering. If the up and coming generations realized just really how short life is I think other decisions would be made and a better sense of urgency would exist. And here lies the issue. It takes about half a lifetime to figure that out and for many it's too late. Being a motorhead at heart I love wrenching on anything I find interesting. Bicycles are for me the most creative because they can be made from common discarded junk and old parts and when you are done the satisfaction of riding a piece of art that you built with your own hands and ideas is at a minimum very rewarding. I find myself staring at things I have built and think wow, that's cool! I built that. Use and or edit any of this that you like. It's cool by me.
I like them. I can't leave anything alone. I build Hotrods, my daily driver is an 88 Chevy S10, with a V8, and flamed paint. I have a 26 Ford Roadster, along with other cars, None of them are stock. The bikes are just an extension of that. I appreciate a nice stock car, or bicycle. I just don't have one.
Taking a bike from the trash, bringing it back to life and making it look cool is just a wonderful feeling. To top it off, that cool looking piece of trash will get you places and you can claim it's uniqueness as your own. I guess it's a fun yet inexpensive way to express yourself. I love cars too, but a custom bike fleet doesn't require insurance and registration costs every year.
For me it was a journey through a history I was unaware of. I was constantly finding old balloon bikes with mechanical attributes I was un-aware of, so old school became new cool!Then it was a desire to know these bikes intimately, so to speak. Since they were seldomely in rideable condition, mechanical skills were required to further the fascination.As time rolled on the arsenal of self taught mechanical and cosmetic skills evolved nicely. As they did, so did a desire to mix and match positive attributes of different technoligies and styles. It ended up as a creative outlet in a very basic form (bicycles) that was affordable, fairly quick, and very fulfilling as so much could be done in a shorter time span compared to other projects.And if its done properly it can( at times ) be self supporting. But yet it still is not as constrictive or space consuming as larger endeavors. So much one can do in so little space and time! :wink:
Every thing they said!
You have said it better than I ever could. I'm saving your post and hanging a copy of it in my garage and tool box at the shop!!!
I call myself an A/C teck. To be more detailed, I build custom air conditioning units for street rods and antique cars. some old resto's require the units to be completely hidden from the casual observer. We also restore Kaisers and Heny J's (just for fun)....Fun job but it's allot of work.
When I come home I just want to relax and bikes do that. When I'm done I have something That no one else has and I did it myself, most of the time from junk.
When was the last time you came out of the Quicky Mart and found a group of people standing around your WalMart mountain bike? LOL.

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