Why does everyome hate 24 inch bikes and love 26 inch bikes?

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Who's referring to the forum? Not me. I'm referring to the bike hobby. And it really is hate in the bike hobby. I've seen it first hand many times. People hate 24 inch bikes and hate girls banana seat bikes.

I want to start my reply by saying Im as Neutral as I am French. [which is a LOT]

I first began here with my notable 24" Flying O-Otasco. Its an Otasco Branded Murray ladies bike, with a Banana.
I love it, it gives me heck some days in regards to maintenance, but I love it. 24" Bikes were made as a transition bike, from child to adult, the inbetweener most kids only used for a year or so before they could ride a tanker 26".

After some time, I delved into something bigger.
My 39' Columbia Ladies 26".
I will say from PERSONAL experience, with the bikes I have ridden..
I find 26" bikes ride like melting butter on a hot skillet.. Effortless in the right condition.
The Diameter of the wheel lets you cover more ground with less effort, So in comforts terms, I prefer my Columbia.
[I ride to a friends every friday, despite weather to have some drinks and socialize, then ride back a bit tanked in the eve, and my columbia pulls me through every time, despite making up the Otasco as more a bar bike with lights, and my apes, etc.. its neat, but I've almost driven it in a ditch twice now, with similar conditions.]

Long story short, My Otasco is my summer, day bike..cool to show off around the neighborhood beings no one here has anything but MTN bikes or cheap wallyworlds., I can ride all day without getting butthurt, but its stability is nothing like the Columbia.. that bike is 76 years old and rides like a new Electra.

[on a side note, Im 5'9", and the 24" ride isnt in the lease small to me, but again, with apes and a long cushion seat.. my values are a little different than a stock 24", just to back up CEEBEE via the bottom of Page 2]

p.s. have a 20" and two other 24" frames sitting.
Its all personal preference, and I know some of these folks might seem like they're coming down a little hard,..maybe just a more thought out use of words next time, gotta remember, were ALL bike junkies.. Hate in any circle of interest can be a little harsh even on basic conversations terms.
^.6 Cheers!


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I've never had a 24" myself-and I would really have liked one growing up...my riding experience went straight from tricycles and Big Wheels to a used Shwinn 26" cruiser and a Huffy women's 3-spd 26"(Granddad got then cheap at an auction). I risked tumbling to the ground every time I tried to mount the Schwinn (and dismounted in a controlled fall to the left) but could just barely ride the Huffy with the seat jammed as low as it would go. I think I would have had a lot more fun with bikes if I had been properly fitted to a decent 24"-with the seatpost at it's lowest setting I think I would have had a perfect fit, and at 5' 9" and a 30" inseam I think I would still be fine with a nice 24" frame...

Now that i'm on the prowl for cheap frames I can't seem to find anything that isn't 20" or smaller-I assume the glut it from all the previous owners outgrowing them. Even the cruddiest 26" frames are going for $50-$100 and up, and I can't seem to find any 24" frames available outside the local FLBS...and even they only carry a handful or so.
First of all it was never meant to piss off so many people. However most seem to feel I am somehow trying to anger them and intionally. It was a valid question, not meant to get responses about chaining your mother up or why I hate this forum or how I am taking things wrong or such things. As for pacer automobiles I have owned 4 of them and loved every one. those who do not agree with that can deal with it. I suffered severly for owning them and each one was severly vandalized by people who felt it was cool and necessary to destry my car because it was a pacer. And yes this happened at car show too multiple times resulting in irreplaceable damage. I only want to say I wish I had never asked the question due to how many people are jumping on me and giving me such crap and sarcasm.
First of all it was never meant to piss off so many people. However most seem to feel I am somehow trying to anger them and intionally. It was a valid question, not meant to get responses about chaining your mother up or why I hate this forum or how I am taking things wrong or such things. As for pacer automobiles I have owned 4 of them and loved every one. those who do not agree with that can deal with it. I suffered severly for owning them and each one was severly vandalized by people who felt it was cool and necessary to destry my car because it was a pacer. And yes this happened at car show too multiple times resulting in irreplaceable damage. I only want to say I wish I had never asked the question due to how many people are jumping on me and giving me such crap and sarcasm.

I dont mean to express myself in a crass manner, I tried to make my post as easy to read as it was to agree with on either angle, I noticed a few others trying for the same middle ground effect, with apparent little results.

I agree things can be harsh on some subjects at times here..Sometimes talking about Bikes becomes something like discussing the ugliness of someones kid.. It gets personal in a way, especially going into it negatively. We all understand you're trying to express your opinion, and like you said, it WAS a valid question.. The heat is more coming from the way it was asked, not what was asked. I know how bad it sucks for your topic to derail because people are caught up on a specific detail that to you can feel is very trivial, maybe even pointless..I sure have, But the same cant be assumed for everyone. I feel comfortable saying this IS a space for everyone with an open mind to Bikes and Styles herein, You seem open minded, and just curious about the lack of love given to 24"ers.. and I understand that.. If it were me, and Im trying really hard to ease this up tension wise.. Id let it rest and just hop back on the subject of the bikes.
Lesson Learned, some words just dont flow with the forum, Hate just happens to be one of them. Its not a personal thing, and sometimes the jokes get a little corny and carried away, but I dont think anyones trying to bash your feelings.

Were all here for bikes, I think thats best to stick to.



p.s. "crap" might not be good either..
I don't think this thread has any more to give in a positive sense to the forum, so how about I leave you with a slightly modified inspired quote from @ZygoteLittle just a little higher up the page and hit pause.
Seriously, how can anybody hate any bicycle?

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