This bike started as a "chopper" that I bought from a guy. It had a 24" front wheel, banana seat, and big apes. It was fun to ride but wasn't very comfortable at all. I'm going for a traditional build, but who knows where it'll end up. Enough blabbing, here it is.
good start man
thm cranbrooks are perfect for customizing can get them on the cheap side and so many options for parts make them a great candidate for the likes of us rrb folk
can't wait to see what you do with it
Got it mocked up with the parts that I have. I'm thinking I either need to shine up the tires, or dull the frame down. Crank is a 185mm Profile 3 pc off my old bmx bike.
Bought these AME grips from Porkchop. Look good and match the tires pretty closely.
I had to shine the front tire up to get the color a little closer. Since the tires have zero miles on them, they still have a chalky look.