What's in a name?...

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The Renaissance Man

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Nov 24, 2012
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The Tropics of Alabama
...That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. ― William Shakespeare

Many of the build threads have included an explanation for their namesakes. Some are more obvious than others, but all have a genesis one way or another. It's interesting to hear how everyone arrived at their project names so I thought it would be fun to have them all in one place!

Post the story behind your RRBBO-12 names here!
Picking a name for a build was always my favorite part of the process. This one was easy. Trottinette is french for scooter, so shortened would be "trot". Something ratty could be rotted, so "rot"..Trot Rot. I was going to call it Trot Rat. But Trot Rot just rolls out of your mouth easier. I like saying it too. Trot Rot....Trot Rot...Trot Rot (sounds kinda dirty for some reason). "Hey! Did you stop at the store?" "Don't tell me what to do, you little Trot Rot!"..or.." I went to the doctor today".."What did he say?"..."He told me I have Trot Rot!"
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I came up with the name Evolution Flyer when I first started designing the bike in my head, I think I even mentioned it at the end of build off 11.

As I said in the first video, I want to end up with something that looks like it was built in the 40's or so. Something that is supposed to be the evolution of the bicycle, a future dream; so the name fit what I was seeing in my head.
I have always like the way Simpatico sounds,and it is after all the name of my fave beer back in the day.
It came in a black matt bottle with gold label. Considering that was the colors chosen for the build,the name just blended in.
The name for mine came from the title of its thread in Fresh Finds. I had acquired it at the local Denver Old Bikes Club Spring Swap out of their end of the day "free pile", a place to toss things you no longer want to lug around and havent been able to sell. I had been eyeing up two other identical CWC frames that were there that day being sold for about $20 each. I had been looking for a frame to build around my Bendix yellow band and thought one of those would be a good choice. I just happened to be in the right place and time when the free pile was getting started and a member tossed in the ugly red Hiawatha I am ratting currently in the build off! Figuring there were two others there trying to be sold for cheap, and this one was literally tossed out, I gave it the name "Nothing Special"

Now to make it into something thats quite the opposite...

keep the rubber side down!
Great thread idea! Always interesting to see the reasons behinds the names!
Thanks Luke.
I suppose that I should give my name rationale since I asked everyone else to give theirs.

Mine was pretty simple.
My primary motivation for the build is the Christy Saddle. So because the bike will be another transgender, Chris seemed like a perfect play on the name Christy.
Before making up my mind, I googled 'CHRIS MEANING' and got this: The name Chris is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Chris is: From the Greek word meaning 'carrier of Christ', Famous bearer: StChristopher, patron Saint of travelers, is believed to have carried the Christ-child across a river.
I had not even considered a connection to St Christopher so that sealed the deal for me. The decision was made just prior to starting my build thread which is not usual for me. Normally I would have a name established far enough in advance to create a logo to go with it. Maybe I'll add that later.
Wow, I pull names out of all parts of my life.
HeadBanger was my first build here. Little Neutrino, a Klaatu song... Difference Engine, a steampunk book I read. ALiEN FiRE was an Amiga computer game. Harlequin is a line of dishes by HLC that I collect, but I leaned towards the Harlequin style of clown for the bike. Rockin'Rollfast was the obvious choice for a Rollfast that featured an amp and guitar. What has me stumped is my current build, Westfield Dragster for lack of a better name, I have no theme yet. I'm still looking.

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My only BO bike so far-The White Rabbit-was named for two reasons:

1) Mere days before the end of the BO a local Dealer dumped a small truck-load of bike parts that he had in his dumpster and dared me to build something with it(one of the local kids had showed him an old kids Beach Cruiser restored with BMX parts and some brazing-as well as the Seat-tube-and-chainring Hatchet i'd made for him...guess he was intrigued enough to throw the local Freak some peanuts!)

At any rate I ended up joining the BO in a blur of wrenches, coffee and Ohmyearsandwhiskersi'mlatei'mlatei'mLATE....:rolleyes:

2)The finished product was a Kent kid's frame with Evinrude motor-boat paint(bluish grey) pink rims with whitewalls and tall,formerly-chromed Apes I painted a light cream-if that doesn't scream "Wabbit" I don't know what does...:D

Rats! I just noticed that all of my BO10 pics are gone (finicky Hosting service!) So i'll just leave one here...

Actually i wanted to change my last one. I started with far out flyer but 3/4 into the build it took on a different look that i felt didnt really fit the name. But by that point i was afraid changing it would make people forget which one it is. Its been renamed now rat life

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Great thread idea. Build names are always fun. Just a tip on build names, you can't search words that are 3 letters or less on the site. That's why I sometimes blend words together with no spaces for build names.

I'm not sure which of a couple of build ideas I'll be going with once I get back home.
with black being my favorite color named seemed appropriate (along with my user name) as this BO bike will be Blacked out completely. This is where it started from though... my old '79 Chevy that I did back in the day and it wore the name Blackout on the tailgate.
(bad pic of a pic.)
All my builds have had names based on the theme of the build, or the manufacturer of the frame / parts I'm using. And, unfortunately for y'all, most of them have a pun included.

Beer Boy Delivery - Grain Belt beer theme bike
Shelby Woody Flyer - Woody wagon beach bike
Faded Glory - tribute to bygone military vets
One-liner - Spaceliner girls tank conversion
Four-gone Conclusion - 4 spd Int Hub drivetrain
Mesa Buggie - desert klunker / amp maker double entendre
Columbia Desert Rat-ified - Columbia based rat

This one is based on the noted American author Nathanial Hawthorne and my Hawthorne barn find bike that is the basis of this build. The Old Manse is the former home of Emerson's uncle who was a pastor. N. Hawthorne and his wife rented it for 3 years, and he wrote many of his well known short stories while there.

Lastly, this bike was an 'old man's' that was found in a barn hay mow. And is being built by a former church minister who read The Scarlet Letter in college.
I put way too much thought into the name of my build. I knew I wanted to do some kind of twin top tube design and the most obvious name was "evil twin" but that wasn't the kind of connotation I wanted for this build and I thought maybe of flipping it around to "angelic twin". I liked that idea but it just didn't have the right sound so i thought up a bunch of angel themed names like "angel eyes" or "steel angel" and then "iron angel". I liked the name Iron angel but it sounded like some kind of cheesy heavy metal band and in fact a google search revealed that it is, so I decided to see how it sounded in different languages. Finally I asked the google chick how to say "The Angel of Iron" in Italian and when she said "L'Angelo di Ferro" I knew I had my name. It may sound a tad pretentious but if it comes out a cool as I'm picturing it in my head it will live up to its pretentious name.
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I had forgotten about this thread until now, so I need to update my build off name origin since my bike changed.

The name 11:11 came up in my mind because I started the bike in the last week which made me think of 'the eleventh hour'. That would have been an appropriate name by itself but I chose the time 11:11 because my wife and I have been repeatedly noticing that time in all sorts of places and situations for many years now. Apparently we are not alone either because there is a lot of similar discussion about it on the web. Here's just one example. I could go on and on giving personal examples but you get the idea!
Picking a name for a build was always my favorite part of the process. This one was easy. Trottinette is french for scooter, so shortened would be "trot". Something ratty could be rotted, so "rot"..Trot Rot. I was going to call it Trot Rat. But Trot Rot just rolls out of your mouth easier. I like saying it too. Trot Rot....Trot Rot...Trot Rot (sounds kinda dirty for some reason). "Hey! Did you stop at the store?" "Don't tell me what to do, you little Trot Rot!"..or.." I went to the doctor today".."What did he say?"..."He told me I have Trot Rot!"

I think they have a salve for that now......[emoji851]

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