My love affair with Schwinn began early in life. When my eldest sibling was given his first bike on his 8th Birthday, it was a green Schwinn Sting-Ray. My pops explained the "buy nice, or buy twice" concept to us in bicycle terms that day and that we all were getting a new color of choice Schwinn Sting-Ray on our 8th Birthdays. Mine was blue and I railed on it for a year and a half, until it was stolen at the community pool and all that was left was the cut lock. I've had many Schwinns since then and after stumbling into the world of vintage lightweights in 2007, have been dreaming of a Paramount that fits. I found a frameset that fits last year on fleabay for a song and have been collecting parts for this build. I'm keeping it Euro and mostly Italian. I still need a couple more parts, but they are minor and readily available. I'll follow up later with parts shots, but the main subject of my dream is right here:

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