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OP. You’ve got a skull for an avatar and the word “dead” in your nick. I would have figured you would understand there are a million ways to die even if you mask up and social distance.

I believe you fall in the 34 years old and younger category.


Remember to look both ways when crossing the street.

Wouldn't the 85 and over crowd be 100% from all causes? All these numbers that we are getting just confuse me. I'll just go for a bike ride and not give it any more thought.:thumbsup:

100% of people over 85 do not die every year. This chart states if you’re over 85, you’ve got a 13% chance of dying from something, this year. Pretty darn good odds to survive, I’d say. Yet we’ve got folks hiding in their basements frightened to buy or sell a bike part, for Pete’s sake. This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. It’s all you’ve got, despite all your mask protocols. Going for a bike ride is a very good idea.

That makes no sense at all. Taking steps to minimize your risks seems to be what you are criticizing, so by that rationale, you don't buckle up either? This is the day you have, so use it to make sure you get a tomorrow too. We need common sense, not snake handling.
OP. You’ve got a skull for an avatar and the word “dead” in your nick. I would have figured you would understand there are a million ways to die even if you mask up and social distance.

I believe you fall in the 34 years old and younger category.

View attachment 142334

Remember to look both ways when crossing the street.

Those numbers were gathered while people were wearing masks and social distancing. They're also four months out of date. Plus it's a bad metric to use to decide precautions.

Wearing a mask and social distancing is the covid equivalent of looking both ways when you cross the street.

we’ve got folks hiding in their basements frightened to buy or sell a bike part, for Pete’s sake. This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. It’s all you’ve got, despite all your mask protocols.
Luke 4:12 And Jezus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

No need to throw yourself from the top of the temple either.

The problem is when, for flippant, jokey, dismissive, etc reasons, a complex population is reduced to two giant generalizations. That's what I was trying to say in a funny way with the driving statement I made early
That's what I was trying to do as well.
I haven't even mentioned the behavior I disagree with because I honestly don't really care to have an open discussion about it here, and I doubt it would be productive anyway.
I just wanted point out that that particular use of the word paranoid dismisses a lot of real people with real lives and struggles and invalidates their point of view. If that's how someone really feels so be it, but I don't think a bike forum is the place to give voice to that feeling.

It wasn't meant to be a whole thing. You can tell I wasn't super invested in it because I made a joke about pikachu a few posts later
That makes no sense at all. Taking steps to minimize your risks seems to be what you are criticizing, so by that rationale, you don't buckle up either? This is the day you have, so use it to make sure you get a tomorrow too. We need common sense, not snake handling.
I remember riding my bike to work back in 2011. I was stopped at a redlight, wearing my helmet and fingerless gloves. I had on my usual work clothes, long pants and long sleeve shirt with hard soled shoes. Up to the light rolled a Harley, the rider was wearing shorts, tshirt, and flipflops, no helmet, just a bandana. We looked at each other and laughed. It was great.
Those numbers were gathered while people were wearing masks and social distancing. They're also four months out of date. Plus it's a bad metric to use to decide precautions.

Wearing a mask and social distancing is the covid equivalent of looking both ways when you cross the street.

Luke 4:12 And Jezus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

No need to throw yourself from the top of the temple either.

That's what I was trying to do as well.
I haven't even mentioned the behavior I disagree with because I honestly don't really care to have an open discussion about it here, and I doubt it would be productive anyway.
I just wanted point out that that particular use of the word paranoid dismisses a lot of real people with real lives and struggles and invalidates their point of view. If that's how someone really feels so be it, but I don't think a bike forum is the place to give voice to that feeling.

It wasn't meant to be a whole thing. You can tell I wasn't super invested in it because I made a joke about pikachu a few posts later
Acknowledging the sovereignty of the Lord and rejoicing in His creation is testing? We surely interpret that verse differently. As for giving voice on a bike forum to an opinion that may make the OP uncomfortable, perhaps the OP shouldn't ask the question. Mask up, social distance, stay home for the rest of your life - that's your choice. Just don't expect everyone else to cooperate with all the precautions you want to take.

That makes no sense at all. Taking steps to minimize your risks seems to be what you are criticizing, so by that rationale, you don't buckle up either? This is the day you have, so use it to make sure you get a tomorrow too. We need common sense, not snake handling.

Again, acknowledging the sovereignty of the Lord and rejoicing in his creation isn't "snake handling" unless, of course, you'd rather put your faith in the Flavor of the Week science we've been subjected to the last 9 months. OP asked what he should do - carpe diem, baby.

Acknowledging the sovereignty of the Lord and rejoicing in His creation is testing? We surely interpret that verse differently. As for giving voice on a bike forum to an opinion that may make the OP uncomfortable, perhaps the OP shouldn't ask the question. Mask up, social distance, stay home for the rest of your life - that's your choice. Just don't expect everyone else to cooperate with all the precautions you want to take.

Ok pal, there's no need to be rude here. For someone quoting scripture, you're not exactly setting a good example with your attitude.
Acknowledging the sovereignty of the Lord and rejoicing in His creation is testing? We surely interpret that verse differently.
No, disregarding all sensible caution for Ss & Gs is.

As for giving voice on a bike forum to an opinion that may make the OP uncomfortable, perhaps the OP shouldn't ask the question. Mask up, social distance, stay home for the rest of your life - that's your choice. Just don't expect everyone else to cooperate with all the precautions you want to take
Again, I only raised issue with the characterization of anyone taking precaution as paranoid. Because it attacks the human not the issue.

I intentionally didn't criticize anybody's behavior regarding lack of precaution because I didn't feel this was the place for it. I gave my thoughts on the issue and left it at that. I definitely didn't voice any demands on what precautions people should or shouldn't take.

Clarification for text medium: I have no antagonism in my voice as I write this. I don't wish anyone here harm or ill will.
No, disregarding all sensible caution for Ss & Gs is.
Sensible caution is subjective...and as you mentioned earlier, dependent on personal situation. Even when taken from a single, supposedly data driven, the subject to continual change.

We all accept different levels of risk in our lives...if they would have said at any point, once you get this, you have immunity for a significant amount of time...I would have said, pass the Covid Cola and I would have chugged it down. Unfortunately, it seems that you get closer to 4-6wks of somewhat immunity... which makes me skeptical about all these vaccine promises. This 'new normal' isn't sustainable, so at some point the most vulnerable amoung us will need to be protected, and the rest will need to return to the old normal :grin:.
This 'new normal' isn't sustainable, so at some point the most vulnerable amoung us will need to be protected, and the rest will need to return to the old normal :grin:.
Problem is the vulnerable includes anyone with asthma, anyone with a heart condition, anyone with high blood pressure, anyone overweight.

This is America, man. That's everyone! :bigsmile:

Part of protecting the vulnerable as I see it is taking precautions yourself, even if you're healthy and young. If you wanna visit grandpa again, think about your own actions.

The sad reality is, there is no going back to the old normal. It won't be like it is now, but it will never go back to what it was.

I'm not smart enough to predict all of what the new new normal will be, but an event that effects this many people in this much of the world changes everything, permanently. For better or worse.

This isn't a political thing, a left thing, a right thing, or whatever, it's just reality, this virus has effected the entire planet to a massive degree. Even if the virus is taken out of the equation, things will be different forever now. People will be different now, they'll act differently, they'll think differently, their priorities will change.
How exactly, I dunno, but I know there's no going back completely.
Problem is the vulnerable includes anyone with asthma, anyone with a heart condition, anyone with high blood pressure, anyone overweight.

This is America, man. That's everyone! :bigsmile:

Part of protecting the vulnerable as I see it is taking precautions yourself, even if you're healthy and young. If you wanna visit grandpa again, think about your own actions.

The sad reality is, there is no going back to the old normal. It won't be like it is now, but it will never go back to what it was.

I'm not smart enough to predict all of what the new new normal will be, but an event that effects this many people in this much of the world changes everything, permanently. For better or worse.

This isn't a political thing, a left thing, a right thing, or whatever, it's just reality, this virus has effected the entire planet to a massive degree. Even if the virus is taken out of the equation, things will be different forever now. People will be different now, they'll act differently, they'll think differently, their priorities will change.
How exactly, I dunno, but I know there's no going back completely.
Well said.
Funny thing is, those with asthma and other breathing problems are not required to wear the mask. I fall into that category, but I feel compelled to wear a mask anyway because of all the people who think it's their job to remind me to mask up, or report me to the store manager (or maybe the covid cops if it gets any worse). I refuse to call any of this "normal" new or otherwise.

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Again, acknowledging the sovereignty of the Lord and rejoicing in his creation isn't "snake handling" unless, of course, you'd rather put your faith in the Flavor of the Week science we've been subjected to the last 9 months. OP asked what he should do - carpe diem, baby.

Sorry, wasn't referring to your joyous proclamation, but rather your ideas regarding self care. I was equating the idea that you can expose yourself to the virus without taking any precautions to people who handle snakes and expect not to be bitten.
Problem is the vulnerable includes anyone with asthma, anyone with a heart condition, anyone with high blood pressure, anyone overweight.

This is America, man. That's everyone! :bigsmile:
I don't have the expertise to declare all that is high or low risk. But...I feel pretty confident in saying that a 20yo with asthma isn't high risk. Higher risk than a 20yo w/o asthma...a 70yo with asthma is high risk. Your statement is flippant.

I'm 51… had cancer in my 20s (50% lung capacity on one side)...I've had three cardiac events in the last 15years (the last being a triple bypass just over four months ago)... diabetic... mildly overweight. I don't consider myself high risk (delusional? :39: ), definitely higher risk than a 20yo with asthma, I reckon.
Part of protecting the vulnerable as I see it is taking precautions yourself, even if you're healthy and young. If you wanna visit grandpa again, think about your own actions.
Sure... I'm not an anti-masker. I'm anti-newnormal because that is just obvious fear politics.
The sad reality is, there is no going back to the old normal. It won't be like it is now, but it will never go back to what it was...

I'm not smart enough to predict all of what the new new normal will be, but an event that effects this many people in this much of the world changes everything, permanently. For better or worse...
This, and what followed, is BS. As a society we have the memory of a gnat...the list of world changing watershed moments that have gone the way of the dodo is long and getting longer. The new normal is just the latest tool for fear mongering politicians and media... nothing more. The very reason that there are maskers and ant-maskers is that the public in general is already done with it...while it's still happening... already wanting to put it in the rear view mirror.

I take it you have never heard a millennial ask, 'what is this 9-11 thing?' or what do you mean pre-war bike...the 90s?
Your statement is flippant.

I'm 51… had cancer in my 20s (50% lung capacity on one side)...I've had three cardiac events in the last 15years (the last being a triple bypass just over four years ago)... diabetic... mildly overweight. I don't consider myself high risk (delusional? :39: ), definitely higher risk than a 20yo with asthma, I reckon
I don't think it's flippant. If you or a 20yo have reduced lung capacity then you're at higher risk for mortality or permanent disability from a virus that attacks the respiratory system. Your lungs are weaker and will be able to withstand less damage than someone with less lung capacity.

How you feel about your risk level has very little to do with your actual risk level.

I'm anti-newnormal because that is just obvious fear politics.
I'm not entirely sure what nuances are attached to the phrase new normal for you. Feels loaded. So I'm going to avoid using it case anyone ends up inferring something I don't mean from it.
If I've said it previously I've meant the literal definition and not anything extra.

This, and what followed, is BS. As a society we have the memory of a gnat...the list of world changing watershed moments that have gone the way of the dodo is long and getting longer.
Even if you, me, the millenial straw man, Jim's baby, or uncle Pat don't remember the event doesn't mean we're not living the effects of it. All habbits, traditions, customs, points of view, and social mores you have are built on what came before, whether you know the origin or not.

World events change the world. No one can stop it from turning.
Ok, even though I'm the original poster of this thread, I'm just going to go ahead and unwatch this thread. This is starting to sound like Reddit, Facebook, and a bunch of other social media sites that I try to, or rather, need to avoid. I started getting more active on here and the CABE this week because I couldn't stand how toxic these other forums and social websites I visit were, and I wanted to get away from that toxicity and go someplace that wouldn't cause my blood pressure to skyrocket and my mood to plummet.

Just... come on guys. I thought this place was more civil, respectful and polite than Reddit.
I don't think it's flippant. If you or a 20yo have reduced lung capacity then you're at higher risk for mortality or permanent disability from a virus that attacks the respiratory system.
Right. Higher risk...not necessarily high risk. If a 20yo without asthma has a .1% chance of mortality upon contracting...and if asthma doubled .2% it still isn't high risk, just higher risk.
World events change the world. No one can stop it from turning.
Sure...but in the sense that social distancing or mass mask wearing is going to be the norm AFTER the pandemic is
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