~?What Else Do You Collect ?~

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I also have...
400+ hotwheels, around 40 guitars, at least 10 cool bikes and a bunch of cannon fodder, a lot of Harlequin dishes, a dozen church keys, 20+ hymnals, we got Lego people all over the place... A pretty decent scifi library (do books count?) and I've been collecting wiring diagrams for guitars since before the internet. I've probably got 30 pairs of crazy socks and a similar count of Christian T-shirts and crosses. Oh! I've also got a ton of model railroad stuff and a few vintage power tools (and hand tools) that are cool but I don't need as all the newer tools I have are better. I can look around the room and see 4 bike trophies, a stack of wooden cigar boxes, a mug full of pocketknives and probably close to 30 different footpedals for guitar... I need a bigger ranch.

I don't really collect as much as I used to, mostly because I found I hate dusting more than I enjoy collecting, but there are still a few things I like to collect.

1. Old bicycles and bicycle parts, though I'd like to scale my collection down once this pandemic's over. I don't have much, but I have more than I can use.
2. LEGO/K'NEX. Still have most of the sets and pieces from when I was a kid, but now I've got LEGO trains and K'NEX roller coasters like I wanted when I was little.
3. Music, doesn't matter if it's on vinyl, CD, iTunes or whatever. I love listening to music, and I especially love finding music that I've never heard before.
4. Movies and TV shows (mostly childhood cartoons) on Blu-Ray/DVD. I like my streaming channels, but nothing beats owning a physical copy.
5. Stickers. My college toolboxes are evidence of that.
6. Parts and pieces related to my 1964 Mercury Comet.
7. Car magazines and books, occasionally.

I used to collect toys and action figures related to my favorite movies and cartoons, like Cars and Transformers, but I got tired of dusting stuff that I did nothing with. I've either sold or should sell most of that stuff.

I am trying to convince my brother he needs to trade me his S-Works team bike legit the turd he bought it from was on the team 29's for this, I think its a fair trade. my bad there are seven scooters, "motos, whateverback here
or I guess I could sell it and probably afford one, his is probably old enough to drink. I just want it really bad anyway. He has been taunting me with it for 18 years now. He can barely reach the damn pedals and he won't sell it to me for what he paid
hang on back on topic, you know that show hoarders? The producer tried to talk me into filming an episode while we were doing that Netflix maybe contract thing
It's nice to see other collectors in here. I have a varied interest in stuff.
Custom EDC stuff
Primitive weapons
70's Vans and the period parts that were made for them
Lowbrow art
Vintage tools
Sideshow gaffs and oddities
vintage hotrod stuff
tiki stuff
Mid-century modern
vintage Aloha shirts
vintage camping gear
Coors stuff

and probably a whole lot more lol
Vintage band t-shirts (let me know if you have anything you are willing to part with).
band shirts, hmm yeah I still collect those kind of forgot about it. I have boxes full from concerts. Most have never been worn or worn once or twice. I was actually trying to talk the wife into making me a comforter out of a bunch so I could throw it in the van. When I think of all the ones that ex-GF's stole, it bums me out, because those were usually the rare and unreplaceable ones. I also forgot, I collect skateboard decks. Gotta bunch of em. Looking for a Steve Olson SOS cutout deck from 81 if anyone ever comes across one.
I have a small collection of O gauge tinplate toy trains. A few from the 1920's and 30's, but most are from the 50's. Mostly Marx with a smattering of American Flyer, Lionel and Hafner.

Also a small collection of air rifles, ranging from the late 40's to a few 21st century pieces. Some I customized too. Not sure about posting "gun" pictures on the internet anymore.

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I don't collect things any more, but I used to. Somewhere, I have a box with maybe a hundred or more overpriced HO scale cars and trucks and some buildings to go with them. When I was a kid, it always bothered me about Hot Wheels and Matchbox that the vehicles weren't in exact scale to each other, with the trucks being especially offensive to me, so when I discovered the HO scale vehicles in middle school, I spent way too much of my landscaping money on them. I figured someday I might build a miniature town full of darkly humorous touches, like hookers, people fighting, someone shooting the engine of a broken down car, and killer rabbits surrounded by victims and gore, but I doubt that will ever happen.
Bike stuff. But mostly to use
And I never really thought about it until my wife asked me what I wanted for Xmas, and I said a title black speed bag. She said you already have a punching bag...

But they are all different....
Hmmm. Looking at the pic I might also have a few extra axes/ hatchets. And I do have quite a few saws...
And random old stuff.
I used to have loads of comics, I always bought 2 when they came out. One to seal in a plastic bag, and one to read first.
In the 80s it was new Swamp Thing, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Thor, The x men, spider man, and old ones from the 40s and 50s I got from my dad and grandmother, and garage sales...
While I was overseas in the service my parents cleaned their basement and chucked them all out.
I hope some lucky SOB salvaged them and they didn’t go to waste.
Also, like Captain Awesome, I am still collecting scars. Hopefully I’ll learn to slow this collection down some day.
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HO (1/64) drag racing...one of my latest builds

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Nice Pro Mod style drag truck. Really like your work. About 20 years ago I had a HODRA legal modular scale 1/4 mile with return road lanes and lots of power. I sold everything off and thought I was done. Then someone gave me a Autoworld drag strip. I promptly built a platform I can breakdown and can set it up as 1/8 or 1/4 mile. I'm back in to it now on a much more limited basis.
I like it when folks post PICTURES!

Here are some of the HO scale drag racing set up.


This is an early version where I used steel studs I could splice together for the platform. The channel shape made the walls but it was very tight.


This is a couple of top fuelers in the traps. This track only gives you a win light.


This is my most recent improvement. I flipped the studs over and used suspended ceiling wall edge grid for the walls. Pop riveted to the studs. It looks better and no sharp edges.
