Get your motor runnin’
Dun un nun-nun nunt
Head out to the garage
Dun un nun-nun nunt
(with apologies To Steppenwolf)
Now this isn’t an official-official announcement, but a knowledgeable source has revealed to me that there will likely be three classes in this year’s build-off: Traditional, Anything Goes and Motorized. The rules for the Traditional class and the Anything Goes class will pretty much remain the same as they have been. The preliminary layout for Motorized goes like this:
- bicycles, tricycles and unicycles, no quads
- must have operable pedals, cranks, sprockets and chain, and must be able to locomote under human power with the motor/engine turned off. These are motorized bicycles, not motorcycles.
- auxiliary power can be supplied by electric motors, internal combustion engines or pellet-fired steam turbines
- the class is wide open, anything goes, meaning one can enter a mildly modified factory e-bike while another enters a completely hand built custom with a 2-stroke motor. If the class catches on perhaps sub-categories will be created in the future, but for this year it’s a free-for-all.
As always, Rat Rod hisself will have the final say in all this. With the talent typically on display around here, we’re likely to see some really neat bikes in this new class. Above all, have fun.
Fire all of your guns at once and
explode into space.