So , I bought a pinstriping kit to try my hand at it on my RRBBO7 bike , but didn't have a chance to practice yet . I'd like to see some licks , to gain some ideas , so how 'bout showin them off here :?: :!: 
bike2112 said:Roscoe Clyde said:[Roscoe Clyde
OOOH, that is really NICE!
Bigcam59 said:My stretch fenders, done by fellow builder and artist extraordinaire, HotRodJen
Pinstripes on rust is really cool!!
Hey Chris. I'm curious who sent what from Sweden?Some more, off topic with the bikes,but still pinstriping. Please tell me to stop if I go too far,ha,ha...
World Wide Panel that was sent across Canada, USA, Australia, Denmark,Sweden and landed in germany for Stripegueist.