(BOTEN) "OUTLAW" ...Withdrawn from the build-off...

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Luke, you do some great work. No shame in not finishing by the deadline when trying to hold up your health.

I see that you have been pushing along, but like you said, if stress gets in the way, it's no longer fun.

Hope you feel better soon.
Like everyone else has already said, your health comes first... and your sanity.

My build is testing my sanity at the moment, and I have to admit that I lost all interest in it for a while and considered scrapping what I have done and starting fresh with the RHS I wanted in the first place. But I've decided to continue slowly as is and see if it will actually work... sort of a prototype. The amount of time I have spent sitting and staring at it wondering "what am I doing this for?"...

I'm proud of you for making the decision to step away and take some time off for yourself.

After all... it's just a bike.

I love your builds, Luke. They are so inspirational, and nothing if not ambitious. I want to see Outlaw finished - and that insane fork - but you need to do it on your own schedule. I live in a pretty reasonable climate, where we can work almost year round, but if I had to work in the cold, I would just stay inside and drink VB to stay hydrated.

Take care of yourself, Luke, and get back to Outlaw when the time is right.

Sorry to hear the news Luke. You always seem to make the rest of us want to build better bikes. I'm just the opposite of you when it comes to the weather, I can handle the cold, it's these days with a heat index of over 117 degrees that's killin me. I also understand not wanting to compromise your build for the sake of a deadline. That's why I didn't finish building my bike, Agent Orange, from last years BONINE. If I couldn't finish it the way I envisioned it, then what's the point of building it? This is all about having fun, if it's no longer fun then step back and re-examine why it was fun. Take a break. We'll still see you around here.

Luke, I appreciate your helpful and encouraging words that you have contributed to my BBD build. I can also appreciate your need to do what is right for you at this time. Sit back, take a few deep breaths, restore your mind and body and work on the bike restoration as you feel inspired or led. I believe that these bike builds come from the soul, the truest part of our being. And when our soul or spirit is not into what we are doing, it is time to rejuvenate and re-examine our status. If you have gained anything during this build, I can guarantee you have gained at least one new friend....! :)
Let the pressure go away, and and work on the health.
No health and nothing works correctly.
A master ideas person and fabricator , however you have brought a lot more to us than the tech skills.
As many others have said your encouragement and positive input has meant a lot to us.
All the posts above really show the respect and admiration everyone here has for a guy like you. You are clearly irreplaceable Luke: don't forget that! Take it easy a bit and recover your positive energies...I patiently wait for your return to the comps, but don't stop watching or commenting. People here love you man....skpc
Personally I think you are one of the legends of this forum,
I am inspired and wish I could do half of what you do and
I have my health. So well done Luke great stuff and as is
stated above you always complement and encourage, your
builds inspire me and I am sure many others, thanks mate!

And get well soon!
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Thanks everyone! All this support for walking away from a build-off is a bit overwhelming to be honest! :21:

I have felt significantly better since dropping out, I realised that I was stressing out about weather and health way too much trying to get the bike done, I actually found myself not wanting to sleep at night because that meant another day gone. :oops: How stupid is that!

Logging into RRB is becoming fun again, I am enjoying everyone else's builds much more, and I notice that my daily post count has jumped back up too as a result... I will still work on the bike, and do video updates as progress happens, but it will be a much slower timetable.

I spent yesterday and this morning wandering around the yard, choosing bits of bikes to use for the MBBO, and really enjoyed it. I simplified my plan for the MBBO too, no jackshafts, no dual disc brakes, so I can just cruise through the build, it will be a crazy bike though, maybe the craziest I have done yet, so I hope you will all tune in come September and see what the builders bring to the table! (I wonder if someone will finally knock @CRASH off the winners podium?)

Glad you're feeling better already. Just hang loose and do whatever makes you happy and fulfilled. :angelic:

:39: And out of curiosity, since I most likely will not be making the deadline too, what will happen to our build threads? Do they get moved to the general build section, or go to the archive section with the other build off builds? Do you know? o_O

:39: And out of curiosity, since I most likely will not be making the deadline too, what will happen to our build threads? Do they get moved to the general build section, or go to the archive section with the other build off builds? Do you know? o_O

They stay where they are in the Boten section which will eventually end up in the Archives, OR, you can message a moderator and get them to move it to the normal sections, be that "Builds", or "Scratch Built", or "Motorized" whatever fits the best.

I tend to like to leave them until the build off and voting is done and then move them, otherwise people will be thinking "What happened to that build with the ____" and not be able to find it and see what happened. :thumbsup:

Thanks everyone! All this support for walking away from a build-off is a bit overwhelming to be honest! :21:

I can't imagine taking on a project like The Outlaw. Sometimes they need to simmer a bit. Im just now getting my Scrambler from last year's mbbo ready for paint.

I have done yet, so I hope you will all tune in come September and see what the builders bring to the table! (I wonder if someone will finally knock @CRASH off the winners podium?)

Doubtful. He's got a pretty cool plan he's been cooking up for a while. I have simple plans for my '67 Huffy. I got my son a '68 Schwinn that he has some pretty big plans for tho. Whole month and change to go.

I want to see if I can do a better job with my thread this year. Pace things out a little more.
I've bailed on a build off before so I totally understand. i wound up building it on my own time, the way it needed to be...wound up with a great bike. The one my GF always wants to ride. You could use a break, we all understand. Built it when it feels right.
:39: And out of curiosity, since I most likely will not be making the deadline too, what will happen to our build threads? Do they get moved to the general build section, or go to the archive section with the other build off builds? Do you know? o_O


I would suggest starting a new thread and provide a link to the BO thread in the first post. You could also re-post some highlights at that point to get it up to speed.
take your time Luke,when it comes to doing something you are passionate about there is no compromising your health,body and mind,we all want to show our talents that we all have,and brother you have bucket loads of that,we naturally want to feel good about doing and showing the best we can be,reality is sometimes we get a kick in the pants and a slap on the back of the head and you just walk away feeling hurt and mad at the same time,I spent ages not on this forum and not in the shed,just lost the mojo,but brother its just our way of cleaning out our minds like defraging a computer,I woke up one day like you already have and just got back into it doing something different but still to do with our passion of buildin bikes,your a winner my bro,take it easy
Luke I can totally understand stand it hard enough to work in the cold when your healthy but when chronic pain & arthritis sets in you get as my wife would say the tin man effect . You need some grease fitting on your joints . Your right a hobby should be fun & the dead lines definitely add pressure to a detailed build .
I know the feeling this was supposed to be fun but with the long delay of my frame I am aggravated , rushed & not sure if I will make it either . Take care of your self , take a break & charge up your battery's . God speed your health .... [emoji4][emoji232][emoji605]

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