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Rode like a dream. Glad you like the bike Luke, Enjoy
Looks great!

Building... riding...
Simple and sweet. Looks like a great rider! As some on here are known to say,"I'd ride the wheels off her!"
Thanks Guys! :thumbsup:

I feel like kicking myself at the moment, I thought buying hardened marine grade aluminium would be a smart idea, but it is so much harder to drill than standard aluminium is! Next time I will just get hobby grade, cheaper anyway!

The 56 cooling holes are drilled, still need to clean them up, but looking good so far, the two side clamping pieces are drilled and tapped, I need to get some more bolts and then I will bolt the sides together and drill and tap through all six sections to bolt it all together, then I can work on the centre bore...


I have learnt a few things along the way to do differently next time, a big one is to drill the cooling holes while you still have one big piece, drilling when they are already cut down to discs makes it much harder to hold on to! :blackeye:

I have learnt a few things along the way to do differently next time, a big one is to drill the cooling holes while you still have one big piece, drilling when they are already cut down to discs makes it much harder to hold on to! :blackeye:


Secret of the masters.
Innovation at work! Luke, how much does it weigh? It's hard to put it into perspective, I know it's aluminum but that's quite a chunk of it. Shaping up nicely.
I was hoping someone wouldn't ask that! :21:

Currently sits at 601 grams (21oz) I am hoping to drop it a bit more with machining and some more drilling, but I think the marine grade was a mistake, it is still pretty hefty... If I can get it under 500 grams I will be happy at this point, but I was hoping for somewhere more around the 300 gram mark.

I have enough left over to do a version 2 design, so maybe I can come up with something...

I was hoping someone wouldn't ask that! :21:

Currently sits at 601 grams (21oz) I am hoping to drop it a bit more with machining and some more drilling, but I think the marine grade was a mistake, it is still pretty hefty... If I can get it under 500 grams I will be happy at this point, but I was hoping for somewhere more around the 300 gram mark.

I have enough left over to do a version 2 design, so maybe I can come up with something...

The prototypes always weigh more than the final product! So you are right on track. You were probably concerned about durability and weather resistance when you chose the marine grade. But, it's aluminum, which is pretty resistant to both those anyway. I'm sure the marine grade is maybe more for "submersible" situations. You are innovating...and that's cool!:thumbsup:
My mind goes places... while I was wondering if it would whistle, I thought, hey that'd be cool to put a whistle on it. Something like one of those carnival whistles with the propellers in them. Then I said to myself, You should put a whistle on your wheel, because a whistle coming up behind someone would let them know I'm back there and fixing to pass... so now I'm on the lookout for a propeller whistle...
Thanks Luke.

Merle. :crazy:
The prototypes always weigh more than the final product! So you are right on track. You were probably concerned about durability and weather resistance when you chose the marine grade. But, it's aluminum, which is pretty resistant to both those anyway. I'm sure the marine grade is maybe more for "submersible" situations. You are innovating...and that's cool!:thumbsup:
;) Already making plans for improving V2.0...
My mind goes places... while I was wondering if it would whistle, I thought, hey that'd be cool to put a whistle on it. Something like one of those carnival whistles with the propellers in them. Then I said to myself, You should put a whistle on your wheel, because a whistle coming up behind someone would let them know I'm back there and fixing to pass... so now I'm on the lookout for a propeller whistle...
Thanks Luke.

Merle. :crazy:
:21: Can't wait to see it!

Well version 1 is pretty much done at this point, came in at 505 grams at the end, which is not too bad considering where I started, but still nearly double my goal weight. It has a slight wobble side to side when spinning, but without a bigger lathe my only option would be to bolt it to a hub in a frame and get someone to peddle it while I hit it with a sanding disc! :21:

Also it turns out my little lathe is not a 3" version, it is a 5", so I have other options for next time... Still would not be able to go as big as this 6" one is, but not far off...

Lathed the clamp centres to the right size:


Used a grinder with a sanding pad to get the centre discs out to the same size:


Test fit on a random hub:




Not a bad effort, I test fit it on the Mastersports, you can just get it threaded in between the spokes, and the size looks good. Not bolted in there yet, still deciding if I want to do more work on it before final fit up...

I decided to do some more shaping and sanding on it to take the slight wobble out and also shave a little more weight, mounted it back on to the test hub and bolted that into a frame mounted in my vice, then basically used the same technique as I do to sand tires into slicks.

Pretty soon it was all done and looking very nice:


I was wondering if it would whistle.
Seeing as I had it spinning pretty fast with the sanding disc, I can tell you that is doesn't whistle, but it does move a huge amount of air! It was like standing in front of a fan while working on it!

Unmounted and brought inside:


Looking rather nice now!
It comes in at 476 grams (16.8oz) with all the high tensile bolts in place, and I do believe it will really work well, with the amount of sanding I was doing it didn't get hot at all, just pumped a huge amount of air... :thumbsup:

That thing looks awesome, I want to see it in a wheel.

So did I!

Seeing as it is finished now, there is no reason not to fit it up, right?




Oh yeah! That is cool!

Very happy!


You've got it looking shiny and "fit" now after all that gram shaving! :bigsmile: Seriously, the profile of it has a real manufactured look to it, much more like a finished product. And when mounted on the laced wheel we finally have a perspective of it's size and mass....doesn't look overpowering at all! And, as a by-product of this build, you may have just invented a new fangled desk fan that operates quietly, creates a nice air flow, and looks cool as h-e-double toothpicks!