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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. jwm

    Bruised but not broken...update 10/6

    Re: Bruised but not broken... YEOWCH! Glad it wasn't worse. But look on the bright side- That bike now has a genuine history, and a great story to go along with it. You can't sell it, now. But you do have to give it a name. How's Christine sound? JWM
  2. jwm

    So Cal Rat Rod Ride rats out ciclavia 10/7

    This should be a great afternoon. For those who haven't done this ride- You're gonna' love it! Look forward to seeing everyone. John M
  3. jwm

    Saturday OCT 13 So Cal Rat Rod Ride

    Yes folks, the second most famous ride on the coast is ready to -uh, wait a minute, I forget- what is it that we do? Gimme a minute here... OH YEAH! Go cruisin', check out the beach, talk bike stuff, grab some food, and talk some more bike stuff, and generally have all kinds of good clean fun...
  4. jwm

    Cool Crank Arms

    This reminds me of those oval shaped front sprockets. I used to have a GT Karakorum MTB that had them. It was a great bike, but I don't think the oval sprocket really helped much. JWM
  5. jwm

    Opinions please

    A lot of the newer bikes are like this. The design is so well thought out that it's almost impossible to improve on it. Changing out parts, taking stuff on and off, can give it a new, and slightly different look, but it doesn't necessarily make it look better, or cooler than factory stock. I...
  6. jwm

    The worst patch job in the world

    I think he's carried the patina bit just a little too far. JWM
  7. jwm

    Question on Springer Forks

    Thanks! Bikejunky sent me a PM on a Dyno springer, and I'm going to go for it. Next step will be seeing if it all fits together, or if I get another round of playing Mickeymouse engineer. John M
  8. jwm

    Question on Springer Forks

    I've been looking at after market Schwinn style springers. I've seen them at the local swapmeet, and I see them all over the place on ebay. The prices are all over the map, from as low as thirty bucks to over a hundred. I want one for the build I'm going to start, but I won't put a cheap piece...
  9. jwm

    So Cal Rat Rod Ride rats out ciclavia 10/7

    There is lots of free parking at Los Angeles State Historic Park, right near the Chinatown hub. I parked near Mariachi Plaza for the last three, and there's decent parking on the street behind the plaza as well. Mary and I will be meeting some friends at Nick's cafe right there at the LA state...
  10. jwm


    Another blog I visit uses a service called Zazzle. It's a small, unobtrusive ad on the sidebar, and you get a cut of the merchandise they sell. As far as other merchandise, there is Kickstarter to raise money for start-up expenses. Alan Cole Discount of Cycles US used Kickstarter to fund...
  11. jwm

    Don't be a Jerk! How to ride in the city.

    Few to none of the cyclejerks are in this crowd. We mostly cruise back streets, bike paths, and (around here, anyway) the wide, smooth and empty sidewalks that line most of the heavily driven streets. The cyclejerks are mostly roadies who insist that their bicycles are vehicles deserving of...
  12. jwm

    Have your tastes changed since coming here?

    My tastes have changed. I didn't used to like fish, but now I'm starting to enjoy it. Mary cooked some for dinner tonight, and it was pretty tasty. :wink: I used to be focused on 50's vintage tankers. I still love my classics, but I like the idea of building up rides from disparate parts. Mad...
  13. jwm

    66 Typhoon

    If Bicycle Heaven doesn't have the whitewalls, then check Niagara Cycles. JWM
  14. jwm

    RRB WORD of the DAY- Beausage

    That's our age and time in a nutshell! I wonder if this guy is surprised that his IKEA furniture is particle board covered with paper veneer. JWM
  15. jwm

    Twin Cities Chapter Rat Rod Bikes (group pic)

    I think he's flippin' the Angry Bird. (I work for an elementary school- that's how I know this stuff) And a big YES! to the rat rod rides. Our So Cal Rat Rod Ride is growing. We're having a great time, and most important- we're meeting a lot of great people, and making new friends. JWM
  16. jwm

    Looking for info on this Monark Firestone cruiser

    Abe: The one I saw yesterday had the other kind of Monark springer- the twin spring. Fork was bent. Is that the one? JWM
  17. jwm

    66 Typhoon

    You have unwittingly opened the can of worms that squirms its way through every corner of our hobby. :? Half the crowd will agree with bendix, and say, "It's your bike- please yourself." Others will react with abject horror that you would even think of :shock: DEFIlING ORIGINAL SCHWINN...
  18. jwm

    RRB WORD of the DAY- Beausage

    The Japanese have a similar concept. They call it wabi-sabi. Among bikesters it is manifested as a passion for patina. JWM
  19. jwm

    So Cal Rat Rod Ride rats out ciclavia 10/7

    Well, just to keep it as confusing as we can... :roll: I just traded a few notes with Mike Krieger from Westside Cruiser Club. For those of us on the east end of town, we'll meet up at 9:00am at Nick's Cafe across from Los Angeles State Historic Park, just like we did for Tour de Fat. We can...
  20. jwm

    Looking for info on this Monark Firestone cruiser

    I just got back from the Long Beach cycle swap meet. There was a Monark there- slightly newer, but it had a metallic purple paint job just like that only faded. So the purple could well be a correct color for that bike. JWM