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  1. dougfisk

    The Mother of All Bent Forks

    Where is the fun in that? This is my idea of entertainment! :shock:
  2. dougfisk

    The Mother of All Bent Forks

    Let's review... we started with this::: We apply some of this... A little of this...(OK, maybe a lot...) A dab of this... A dollop of this... A dash of this... And a smidge of this... Oh Yeah... Who's your daddy now... :eek::
  3. dougfisk

    1935 Silver King

    Nicely done. I especially like the wheel & tire combo. Nobody (since 1937) uses 24's on these, way to think outside the box...
  4. dougfisk

    Brass or steel wire wheel?

    Could you guys show me a link to a brass wheel? I have only ever found brass coated steel...
  5. dougfisk

    I Want the Fastest Balloon Tires!

    I read something, I can't remember where, that said the ideal tire pressure for my weight and this tire size was about 45 lbs. I'll bet there is more than one take on this...
  6. dougfisk

    removing a severely rusted and jamed stem

    1) I fill the void inside the stem and steer tube with penetrating oil through the bolt hole in the top of the stem, then let I sit for a week to a couple months. Tap on it with a hammer periodically. 2) If the wedge bolt is broken off as you describe: stick a long punch or another wedge...
  7. dougfisk

    I Want the Fastest Balloon Tires!

    Everthing I have is a balloon frame so the fit will not be a problem.
  8. dougfisk

    I Want the Fastest Balloon Tires!

    So far, I inflate everything to about 45 - 50psi. I saw the Schwalbes were 2.35 and was a little worried the extra width would be a negative(?)...
  9. dougfisk

    I Want the Fastest Balloon Tires!

    I ride a lot on 26 x 2.125 tires. I am on a mission to find the best combination of parts for this purpose. I can't help but notice the differences in tires. It seems that fastest tires I have are, believe it or not, Kenda Flames. What in your experiences are the fastest you have found?
  10. dougfisk

    New Departure Hub

    This won't give you much hope but: Mine started when I swapped the part for a "better" one and ended when I put the original back! Do you have access to any spares or extras that you can rob at least temporarilly to prove out the diagnosis? If not, I would try what you are contemplating.
  11. dougfisk

    ladies Western Flyer with ID tag

    ROFLMAO.... :lol:
  12. dougfisk

    New Departure Hub

  13. dougfisk

    New Departure Hub

    Yes it should be quiet and seamless. You are probably feeling the serrated driving cone engage and release from the hub shell. First question forever and always; has it been thoroughly cleaned and properly re-lubed? The only time I had this phenomonon was after I tried to upgrade a hub by...
  14. dougfisk

    Just Foolin Around - 1941 Colson

    I probably did not say that accurately; I have no issue with the design itself. It is actually the condition that is not attractive to me.
  15. dougfisk

    seized neck/headset has my truss rods prisoner!

    I would use a sawzall or hacksaw or cutoff wheel to cut stem off flush with the top of the nut. Then I would use a cutoff wheel to slice down, in 2 or more places, through the nut and steertube to the bracket, then flick the nut pieces off the tube.
  16. dougfisk

    Just Foolin Around - 1941 Colson

    Some elements getting finished: Wheels are built from chrome drop center rims, stainless Sapim Race spokes, gold nipples, Komet rear hub, Union front hub. Komet rear hub (German built Fichtel & Sachs) because they are among the very best, meaning lowest drag. Union (german) front...
  17. dougfisk

    Just Foolin Around - 1941 Colson

    First mockups... with tank without tank
  18. dougfisk

    Just Foolin Around - 1941 Colson

    Immediately after removing everything that was not correct or original... not much left...
  19. dougfisk

    Elgin Falcon

    If that was not an original 28incher, it is sure a good candidate for some 700's, (28's, 29's whatever you like to call them).
  20. dougfisk

    1947 J.C.Higgins Bomber

    I was always ashamed of the wimpy 46T chainwheel, so I scored a proper 52T and installed it. Of couse I had to increase the size of the rear cog and lengthen the chain as well... Now, that's what I'm talkin about...