Some elements getting finished:
Wheels are built from chrome drop center rims, stainless Sapim Race spokes, gold nipples, Komet rear hub, Union front hub.
Komet rear hub (German built Fichtel & Sachs) because they are among the very best, meaning lowest drag.
Union (german) front hub because my red 47 higgins uses one and is the smoothest fastest yet.
Drivetrain dialed in - 1/2 inch drive because it is smoother, quieter and faster (thanks to npence for chainwheel). Murray crankarm because it is longer than the Colson.

BMX grade chain for gravitas. Cool "Schwinn Approved" pedals, very nice quality. My standard 52 / 18 gearing.
Curious stem that looks a lot like the common Wald knuckle but is slightly different with a tapered top. Schwinn midweight headset is high quality.
The rumpled headbage had to go... I need to do better.