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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. Social Reject

    Built to IMPRESS

    This bike is really awesome too. I found this pic on here as well. It and the bike above are the two that have really made an impression on me lately. I don't even really know exactly why other than they just inspire me. That's what it's about isn't it? Get that gut feeling and start cutting...
  2. Social Reject

    Built to IMPRESS

    That's probably the best advice ever. Don't worry about something fitting into what is cool. Define what is cool for yourself. I've been drooling over this pic that I found on this site: Why? To me this bike says one thing: FUN. It's not trying to fit into any category or any financial...
  3. Social Reject

    Built to IMPRESS

    You're 11 years old? ........then my advice to you is to build a bicycle that turns into a robot. :D O.K., that was kind of a joke....but maybe not really a joke as in the end, that would be pretty darned awesome. I don't think anyone could argue that it would be awesome. Matter of fact...
  4. Social Reject

    Felt Bicycle Pics

    No way. Why would someone not be into the Felt Revolver? I wonder if the guy just didn't like to looks in the end. I'll admit it looks different in a natural setting than in the pics on the Felt site. hmm.....Still looks darn good to me though. :D I was really into this bike before I bought...
  5. Social Reject


    A late A-men to the good news!
  6. Social Reject

    a new US

    April 6th, 2010: I weigh 206 today. At one point 3 years ago, I weighed 272. That's 66 lbs gone. :D I'm 6' tall. My goal is 180. It has helped me that I've found out that I'm gluten intolerant. It's fairly easy to lose weight when you follow a gluten free diet. I recommend it even if you...
  7. Social Reject


    Re: POST PHOTOS HERE FOR THE GALLERY PAGE It's a stock bike, but I like the way the pic turned out...2008 FELT ARMADA.
  8. Social Reject


    I'll agree 100% with that statement. It's tiring. When I want to buy or sell something, I just want to buy or sell something. I don't want to play stick and giggle with a hoarde of slackjawed locals trying to pump up their ego with their amazing negotiating tactics. Haggling begins with the...
  9. Social Reject

    Felt cruiser kickstand problems?

    Hey, Thanks for this link. Now that I can accomplish! With those pics guiding me, it won't be a problem to get this thing apart. Cool. 8)
  10. Social Reject

    Felt cruiser kickstand problems?

    Thanks for all the info. You guys are very helpful. It figures I'd need a special tool to do it. I guess it also figures that older components from the Schwinns was tougher. :?
  11. Social Reject

    Felt cruiser kickstand problems?

    There is what appears to be a pin/post stuck in the bottom of the tube. It's not a cotter pin. I tried to pull it out but it didn't come out. I'm sure there must be a trick to getting it out and I just don't know what it is.
  12. Social Reject

    Felt cruiser kickstand problems?

    Also, If someone could point me in the right direction on how to dissassmble this style of kickstand, I'd really appreciate it. I know there must be a trick to it, but I've just never done one of these types before. If I can take it apart, I can figure out a fix for it I'm sure. In case you...
  13. Social Reject

    Felt cruiser kickstand problems?

    Sure thing. Here is a pic that sort of shows what sort of kickstand it is. I hope this is the right place to post about this sort of thing. I'm sorry if it isn't. I got to thinking about it and this bike isn't a rat rod.... ....of course with the kickstand allowing it to fall like it does...
  14. Social Reject

    My New little toy

    I like it. :D
  15. Social Reject

    Felt cruiser kickstand problems?

    I experienced a problem today with my Felt cruiser kickstand. I decided to armorall the tires and when I went to wipe them down, the next thing I knew my bike was falling over. What happened was that the kickstand simply rotated 360 degrees and the bike fell. It scuffed the seat a little and of...
  16. Social Reject

    Felt Bicycle Pics

    If that was for me, Thanks! My Felt is a 2008 Armada. I bought it from a LBS on sale. I suppose they'd had it a while....I went into the shop to order a 2010 Revolver, but since this one was on sale and I love the color of it, I couldn't pass it up. My favorite part is the seat. For some reason...
  17. Social Reject

    Electra Bicycle Pics

    my wife's Electra Amsterdam.
  18. Social Reject

    Writing on a whitewall? Tire paint question.

    Well, to put an end to my curiosity, I went out tonight and bought a $12 Wall Mart whitewall and tried the paint. I used some flat Krylon Fusion paint and tried cutting stencils out with fat masking tape. The masking tape allowed the paint to bleed under it and made the edges of the letters look...
  19. Social Reject

    Felt Bicycle Pics

    Here's a pic of my Felt Armada. It's such a nice far my favorite at the moment.
  20. Social Reject

    Writing on a whitewall? Tire paint question.

    Another pic: