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  1. Social Reject

    Writing on a whitewall? Tire paint question.

    I found this pic online and thought it looked cool. It looks like the guy probably just sprayed it with some Krylon. It reminds me of the Hoosier drag slicks.
  2. Social Reject


    Those are some beautiful bikes. I did indeed imagine you had an airplane hanger full of bikes. :D I know what you mean about keeping a clutter free place. I'm currently trying to do that. In my past hot rod life, I've allowed myself to get out of hand with collecting stuff. Actually more like...
  3. Social Reject

    Writing on a whitewall? Tire paint question.

    EXACTLY! I grew up on CarTOONS magazines. :D Thanks for the acrylic tips. I actually have everything here already as I paint in acrylics (I'm an artist). I never really thought about acrylics before you mentioned it, but now that you do....I have a leather jacket that I painted a skeleton...
  4. Social Reject

    Writing on a whitewall? Tire paint question.

    That looks promising! I'll look for that stuff next time I'm out.
  5. Social Reject

    Writing on a whitewall? Tire paint question.

    That's what I was afraid of. Thanks for the info. I wish there was some sort of secret formula for making some paint stick to a tire. I know I've used the Krylon plastic paint on some dirt bike fenders and it's held up great.....much better than I expected........but I know that rubber and...
  6. Social Reject

    Writing on a whitewall? Tire paint question.

    The rear tire on the new Felt Revolver has really caught my attention. I've been thinking about painting some words on a whitewall and I was wondering if anyone knew of any type of paint that would be permanent on a whitewall? I've done a search on this site as well as on the internet, but I...
  7. Social Reject

    Hi All!! From ND

    Welcome and don't forget those pics. :D
  8. Social Reject

    Social Reject with a hot rod sickness. INTRO.

    ...and thanks for the welcomes. :D
  9. Social Reject

    Social Reject with a hot rod sickness. INTRO.

    Sorry about that, I forgot to include that bit of info. I'm in middle Tennessee.
  10. Social Reject

    Social Reject with a hot rod sickness. INTRO.

    Hello everyone, I'm new here. I recently got back into bicycles. I've spent the last decade building hot rods but I got burned out on that. The gas prices the last few years certainly didn't help. I sold all my hot rod stuff and bought a motorcycle. I'm not into choppers too much so I got a dual...